
Information Studies


Katharine Whaite

AHRC Studentship Award Winner

Thesis title: Framing the collection: the culture of catalogues

Supervisor: Vanda Broughton
Second Supervisor:
Lyn Robinson

Email: katharine.whaite.09@ucl.ac.uk


After earning my MA LIS at UCL, I returned to take up PhD study. My research examines the construction and interpretation of library catalogues, particularly in cultural heritage institutions.



New ways of exploring the catalogue: incorporating text and culture. Information Research, 18(3) paper S09. [Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/18-3/colis/paperS09.html]


Finding value in history: gaining knowledge by examining historical practices. Catalogue and Index 169, pp. 25-29.


In the Department of Information Studies my teaching has been focused on the traditional skills of cataloguing and classification. In Autumn 2015 I led the cataloguing component of Cataloguing and Classification 1, and have previously delivered one session in the classification component. In separate terms, (Spring 2012 and Spring 2014) I have delivered teaching for both the cataloguing and classification components of Cataloguing and Classification 2. I have marked and moderated assessments across these modules, and in Historical Bibliography.

I have also worked as a PGTA for Approaches to Knowledge: Introduction to Interdisciplinarity (Autumn 2012, 2013, 2014), planning and delivering weekly seminars and marking assessments. A compulsory module for all students entering UCL's Arts and Sciences programmes, the course gives a brief overview of the history of discipline-based practice before introducing superconcepts as a way to encourage students to make interdisciplinary connections.