UCL Humanitarian Summit 2017
22 June 2017, 9:00 am–9:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
UCL Roberts Foyer and Roberts G06
Following the award of 2016-2019 UCL Provost Strategic Discretionary Funding to develop a Humanitarian Institute, we are pleased to invite the UCL community and their collaborators to a UCL Humanitarian Summit on 22nd June 2017. At this event, we plan to explore UCL interdisciplinary research, knowledge exchange and teaching activities that address humanitarian issues, and to emerge with a plan for new and expanded activities in this area. The particular humanitarian issues that we will explore are migration, refugee well-being, health, and education. We aim to identify how UCL can address the humanitarian challenges of today and tomorrow, and for the UCL community to work together towards this end.
Themed discussion sessions
We will hold 2 discussion sessions on:
• Refugee self-reliance and infrastructure (0930 - 1100), Chair: Dr Camillo Boano, UCL Development Planning Unit
The aim of this session is to discuss and share UCL interdisciplinary research, knowledge exchange, partnerships and teaching activities that address humanitarian ethics, its discourse, its practices and challenges when dealing with refugee spaces, processes, geographies and geopolitics. In particular, the session wishes to tease out the complex encounters between refugees, city authorities, and humanitarian actors when dealing with different temporal perspectives, infrastructures and assistance regimes (eg. encampment, urban sheltering, education services), as well as social stability and economic self reliance.
Chair: Dr Camillo Boano, UCL DPU
Elena Fiddah-Qasmiyeh (Geography) to present her experiences around the Refugee Host Project and the UCL, Refuge in a Moving World research network,
Ricardo Marten, Kayvan Karimi, to present the "Refugee Cities: the Actual Spaces of Migration" Project
Estella Carpi, Fernando Espada, Jessica Field, HAC/DPU partnership on Refugee Self-Reliance and Humanitarian Action in Urban Markets
Giovanna Astolfo presenting DPU student engagement in Refugee Dwelling Practices in Italy.
• Humanitarian education and training (1130 - 1300) More details on this discussion session will be provided soon.
If you would like to attend, please register via eventbrite
Humanitarian technological solutions workshop (14:30 - 17:00)
In this workshop, we aim to draw on the expertise of UCL researchers and our partners to identify key areas of humanitarian need, and to identify technological solutions that may address these needs or form building blocks to address these needs. We will underpin all discussion with a robust understanding and discussion of the challenges to be addressed, and will consider how existing technology might be redirected or adapted to meet these needs as well as exploring potential new technological advances.
After an initial introduction to the workshop, we will break out into focus groups on:
• Spaces of refuge: health, wellbeing and infrastructure
• Migration: tracking migration, managing logistics, and allocating resources
• Affordable healthcare
• Technology to deliver education
Each focus group will comprise experts with a range of perspectives on the humanitarian challenge of the group theme and some experts on the types of technology that could be applied to that area. After some initial discussion to agree upon the issues to focus on, each group will brainstorm if and how different technologies might address these issues. The technologies can be simple or advanced, and can be new, old, adapted, or redirected, whatever best fits the problems posed. At the end of the discussion, the focus groups will reconvene into 1 workshop, reporting back to each other on the findings and action plan for each group.
If you would like to participate in this workshop, please email humanitarian-info@ucl.ac.uk providing your name, research area, and the focus area that you are interested in.
Panel discussion on migration and health (18:00 - 19:30)
Producer: Dr Delan Devakumar, Clinical Lecturer in Public Health, UCL Institute for Global Health
The panel discussion will address some of the migrant health challenges. These may be within and between country migration in the global north and south and includes issues such as disability, mental health, gender and violence, culture, religion, human rights and universal health coverage. The panel follows on from a two-day discussion of the UCL-Lancet Commission on Migration and Health.
Professor Ibrahim Akubakar, Director, Institute for Global Health
Dr Fouad M. Fouad
Dr Miriam Orcutt
Professor Ibrahim Akubakar, Director, Institute for Global Health is Professor in Infectious Disease Epidemiology. His research themes are Global Health, Infection, Immunology & Inflammation, Personalised Medicine, Populations and Lifelong Health. He led the UCL Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology, UCL-TB and was a senior investigator at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit. He was head of TB at Public Health England. He serves on/chairs several expert/advisory groups for the WHO and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. He leads the UCL-Lancet Commission on Migration and Health.
Dr Fouad M. Fouad is a research professor at the American University of Beirut. He is an expert in public health and epidemiology. He has worked with Syrian refugees in Lebanon. He is a member of the Lancet- American University of Beirut Commission on Syria and the UCL-Lancet Commission on Migration and Health.
Dr Miriam Orcutt is a medical doctor and academic researcher in public health and epidemiology in the UCL Institute for Global Health. She is the Coordinator of the UCL-Lancet Commission on Migration and Health.
Please register via Eventbrite if you wish to attend this panel discussion
Exhibitor stalls and posters
In our reception area, which will be used for all coffee breaks and the evening reception, we will have exhibitor stalls and poster presentations to showcase UCL's work in the humanitarian area. If you would like to be allocated a poster presentation or an exhibitor stall, please contact Rosanna Smith, Humanitarian Institute coordinator, at humanitarian-info@ucl.ac.uk providing your name, poster/ stall preference, and a 1 paragraph summary of the work you wish to present.

0900-0920: arrival and registration
09:20-09:30: Welcome address from Prof Peter Sammonds, Director, UCL Humanitarian Institute
0930-1100: Themed discussion on refugee self-reliance and infrastructure
1100-1130: coffee break in exhibition space
11:30-13:00: Themed discussion on humanitarian education and training
13:00 - 14:30: lunch break and networking in exhibition space
14:30 - 15:45: Humanitarian technological solutions workshop part 1
15:45 - 16:00: coffee break in exhibition space
16:00 - 17:00: Humanitarian technological solutions workshop part 2
17:00 - 18:00; break and registration for evening (in exhibition space)
18:00 - 19:30: Public Panel Discussion on Migration and Health
19:30 - 21:00 Reception, with refreshments and snacks served in the exhibition space.