
UCL Human Resources


Redundancy Entitlement

Guidance on the entitlement of UCL employees to redundancy payment

1. Employees are entitled to receive a redundancy payment if they are being made redundant and have worked continuously for UCL for at least two years.

2. Employees with between two years’ service and up to five years’ service will receive statutory redundancy pay.

3. Employees with five completed years’ service or more will receive UCL’s enhanced redundancy pay. 

4. All redundancy payments are paid from a central Finance budget. 

5. Redundancy payments are calculated as follows:

Total Years Service (capped at 20 years service)

Number of Weeks Salary

Weekly Pay Multiplier

Up to 2 years service

No entitlement

No entitlement

Between 2 years completed service and up to 5 years completed service upon leaving

Statutory entitlement (according to age and length of service)Statutory weekly limit or actual weekly salary if less

Between 5 years completed service and up to 10 years completed service

Statutory entitlement (according to age and length of service)

Actual weekly salary based on annual salary

10 years completed service or more (capped at 20 years service)

Statutory entitlement (according to age and length of service) x2

Actual weekly salary based on annual salary

6. The statutory weekly limit increases each year. Please check the Government Website for the latest figure

7. Where the employee's weekly salary is less than the statutory redundancy figure, calculations will be based on their actual weekly salary. For details of statutory redundancy calculations, see the Government website.

8. Where the employee is paid for irregular hours and does not have an annual salary, the weekly pay is the average earned per week over the 12 weeks before the redundancy notice was received. 

9. In cases where an employee holds two separate contracts of employment with UCL and is being made redundant from only one of them, the weekly salary value and continuous start date used in the redundancy calculation will be from the post which is being made redundant.  

10. If an employee is offered suitable alternative employment at UCL before their last day of service, with a start date of no more than four weeks after their last day of service, they will not be entitled to a redundancy payment. There are other circumstances when the right to a redundancy payment can be withheld, either as a result of an employee's conduct or because they have contracted out of the statutory redundancy payment scheme.

11. If an employee is given a redundancy payment that they are not entitled to, they must repay it. If a job is offered to a UCL employee after their last day of service, there should be a two-week break in service before they start the new role.

HR Employment Policy

August 2024

Last updated: Tuesday, August 27, 2024