
UCL Human Resources


Head of Department Induction

Head of Department Induction

About the programme

This programme has been developed based on research of what past HoDs needed during their induction period. It has specifically been designed to meet those lived experiences and needs of individual leaders. 

The Induction programme will enable an effective transition into the Head of Department role for newly appointed staff, including achieving early role clarity and effectiveness. The programme will be a mix of self-learning and learning with peers via e-learning and in-person live sessions and will incorporate a blended approach to learning that actively seeks to develop and foster a leadership learning community space. Furthermore, it will have multiple points to embed evaluation and monitoring of learning and impact to provide continuous improvement.  

Learning Outcomes

The programme will help new SLs understand the drivers of change at a University, Faculty and Departmental level. This can help give clarity and context to the newly appointed role and the way that UCL works. Furthermore, it will provide an easy-to-understand description of the “UCL way” and how to navigate the organisational systems effectively. 

The programme can help clarify the leadership contribution that will allow the department and its people to thrive. 

Areas covered include:

  • People Management 
  • Role Transition 
  • Self-Leadership 
  • Strategic Leadership 
  • Policy and Processes 

How to apply

There is no need to apply! Head of Departments will be automatically enrolled once the programme is ready to start.