7th International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology
14 September 2016–16 September 2016, 12:00 am–12:00 am

Event Information
Open to
- All
The Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, UK
The symposium aims to encourage and promote interdisciplinary research - ideally in combination with archaeology - by means of DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids or stable isotopes and will feature plenary and parallel sessions with an outstanding line up of speakers from around the word. This year's keynote speaker will be Prof Matthew Collins. Matthew is a professor of biomolecular archaeology at the University of York where he founded BioArCh, a collaboration between the departments of biology, chemistry and archaeology (BioArCh: Biology Archaeology, Chemistry). He is currently leading the cutting edge of archaeological protein research as PI of the Codex' project; using proteins present in parchment to provide vast information about geographic distribution of livestock and animal preference for codices vs archival records.
The 2016 Conference is expected to attract 200+ delegates, ranging from seasoned leaders in the field to first year graduate students attending the meeting for the first time. In addition to the plenary sessions, the meeting will incorporate several poster sessions, and there will be plenty of opportunity to renew and make new acquaintances in this field.
Please bookmark our website http://palaeobarn.com/isba7 where details about the conference will follow, including information on registration, abstract submission and the scientific programme. Online registration and abstract submission will open in early April and we will let you know as soon as this goes live so you can take advantage of the early bird discount!
If you have any queries email: isba7@arch.ox.ac.uk.