Archaeology of Human Evolution
11 February 2016, 5:00 pm–6:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
Room 412, UCL Institute of Archaeology
The Institute's Archaeology of Human Evolution research network is organising a series of talks this term, the first of which takes place on 11 February.
The Gravettian of Russia, Chronology, Climate and Lithic Diversity
Natasha Reynolds University of Oxford I am a postdoctoral research assistant on the ERC-funded PalaeoChron project, led by Prof. Tom Higham ( My principal area of interest lies in the European Upper Palaeolithic and the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition. I specialise in the study of lithic assemblages using typological and technological approaches, and have strong interests in the study of chronology and the effects of past climate change on human societies. |
The Archaeology of Human Evolution research network brings together the wide range of current Palaeolithic research at the Institute and works to foster research partnerships with researchers in associated disciplines both within UCL and beyond. It brings students from all stages of their careers into this research area through fieldwork experience, dissertations and PhD projects.
Any enquiries about the event may be directed to Matt Pope.