Meetings 2017-18
Meetings 2017-18
08 March 2018 PG
06 March 2018 UG
16 November 2017 PG
14 November 2017 UG
17 October 2017 UG
Terms of Reference:
1. To discuss follow-up action resulting from previous DSSCC meetings, in particular any matter that was referred to the Departmental Staff meeting.
2. To comment upon the outcome of degree programme and course evaluation questionnaires and any consequent follow-up action.
3. To receive notification of any Departmental changes with respect to teaching, admissions, and assessment.
4. To comment upon any significant changes to Departmental policy which would have a direct consequence for teaching, admissions, and assessment.
5. To comment upon safety within the Department.
6. To comment upon physical resources within the Department e.g. computer/library facilities etc.
7. To make students aware of the Departmental Equal Opportunities Liaison Officer.
Departmental Tutor (Chair), at least one member of staff responsible for research students, at least one member of staff responsible for taught Masters' students and at least one member of staff responsible for undergraduate students.
At least one representative for each year group of the BA History, plus one each for BA Ancient History, four year degree programmes, joint degrees, affiliate students, Ancient World Studies and European Social and Political Studies, MA Modern History, two representatives from the other MA programmes, and two research student respresentatives, plus the departmental Union Council representative.
Membership 2017-18
Undergraduate SSCC
Cari Tuhey (Chair)
Marlene Cox
Emma Patten (Secretary)
Jason Peacey
Staff Representation TBC
Postgraduate SSCC
TBC (Chair)
Emma Patten (Secretary)
Jason Peacey
Staff Representation TBC