


Seminar support (financial)

Funding is available to support staff who are convenors of research seminar series at the IHR and elsewhere.

  • Funding bids are invited at the end of the academic year preceding that in which the seminar will run.
  • Funds may be used to reimburse speakers' travel expenses, or for hospitality.
  • Please ensure that all claims related to seminar support clearly indicate the name of the seminar series.

Travel expenses

If the expenses are to be reimbursed in sterling, please ask the speaker to complete this form and return it to the Departmental Administrator, with proof of expenditure attached.

If the expenses are to be reimbursed in US dollars, please ask the speaker to supply proof of expenses and a home address to which a cheque can be sent.

For all other currencies, payment will be made by bank transfer. Please ask the speaker to provide proof of expenses plus:

  • Their name and address
  • The name and address of their bank
  • Their bank's IBAN and SWIFT/BIC number

At the moment it is not possible to pay individuals who are not UCL staff or students via BACS to UK bank accounts.


Claims for entertaining speakers after the seminar, e.g. buying dinner, should be submitted using the i-Expenses system.  The account code for the seminar support fund is AO13.  Please refer to the UCL Expenses Policy first.