


Graduate Tutor Role

This post involves day-to-day management of our doctoral 'programme'. The following is a guide to what is involved.

  1. To act as admissions tutor for research students, ensuring that students who are accepted are well-qualified, have manageable projects, can be competently supervised (at least in part within the Department) and expected to complete within the AHRC standards. This ought mainly to involve forwarding applications to appropriate colleagues and signing off decisions.
  2. To work with the Research Committee in developing policies for increasing the number of research students, including high-fee overseas students.
  3. To monitor closely the progress of research students within the department - especially in relation to upgrading, annual reports and submission rates.
  4. To develop policies aimed at ensuring submission rates that meet the AHRC standard.
  5. To organize the Research Training Seminar.
  6. To organize and promote induction and skills training for research students.
  7. To organize the upgrade procedure from MPhil to PhD.
  8. To work with the Postgraduate Administrator in administering research students.
  9. To bring relevant information to the attention of research students.
  10. Annually to review the departmental and UCL web pages, prospectuses and handbook relating to research students in the department.
  11. To attend the Departmental Graduate and Research Committee.