


Research grant applications

Grant application guidelines

In most circumstances external funding applications, whether electronic or hard copy, need to be authorised by Research Services.

In order to obtain this approval, the full economic cost of the application will usually need to be calculated, using a system called 'pFACT'. The only exceptions to this rule are very small applications for direct costs only, which do not involve a significant proportion of the Principal Investigator (applicant)'s time. The Departmental Manager will deal with the pFACT costing on your behalf. Where pFACT is not required, a separate form, called a 'research approval form', has to be signed by the applicant and Head of Department.

Research Services require 5 working days to check costings, followed by a further 2 working days to check the application against the agreed costing before approving submission, so it is important to allow time for this. Please note also that the calculation of indirect and estates costs (where applicable) can add significantly to the total cost of an application. It is strongly recommended that you contact the Head of Department and the Departmental Manager at an early stage, and at least a month before the deadline, to discuss your plans. 

The School Research Facilitator, Henriette Bruun, is available to provide advice on the drafting of applications.

Further information