


Alumni Evening: 'Thinking like Europeans? English attitudes towards political cooperation in seventeenth-century Europe'

25 May 2018, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm

The Peace of Westphalia

Event Information

Open to



Gordon House 106, UCL

Our next alumni evening will take place on Friday 25 May at 6.30 for 7pm in Gordon House 106 (map to venue). The evening will commence with wine and canapes before a short talk by our outgoing Head of Department, Professor Jason Peacey. Jason has provided the following abstract:

'Historians who have sought to study life beyond state borders in the early modern period have tended to concentrate on 'international relations', in terms of war and peace, treaties and alliances and the allegedly transformative effect of the peace of Westphalia in 1648, or else explored 'transnational' phenomena for which state borders were less relevant or enforceable. The aim of this talk - which may or may not have been devised with modern predicaments in mind - is to use diplomatic relations between England and the Dutch Republic in the seventeenth century to explore other possibilities. This involves the idea that everyday entanglements made it both necessary and possible for governments to devise interesting and innovative forms of cross-border cooperation, which indicate a surprising capacity to think beyond simple forms of state sovereignty. Bizarrely, some of the most creative ideas will be shown to have come from within England.'

There will be an opportunity for questions, networking and further drinks after the talk.

These events are attended by alumni from all generations, as well as current and former staff and final year undergraduates, and booking is not required.

We look forward to seeing you on the 25th!