History postgraduate modules with spaces available in term 2.
A list of term 2 History postgraduate modules with spaces available is below. This list will be updated regularly but should be used as an indicative list as changes will be frequent.
History department students wanting to make final changes to their term 2 modules should book a module change appointment via the History Department Postgraduate e-Handbook under the Module Selection tab. Module change appointments will be running during the week commencing Monday 26 November 2018.
Timetable details for all of the below modules can be found on the UCL Common Timetable. Please select the 'Custom' tab and search for any combination of modules.
Ancient History / Late Antique and Byzantine Studies modules
- Propaganda and Ideology in Ancient Rome **
- Hellenistic Encounters with Egypt
Medieval and Renaissance Studies modules
The list below shows available History department MARS modules only. If you are interested in the availability of MARS modules administered in other departments across UCL, please contact that department directly to find out their availability.
- The Medieval Papacy
History/European History modules
- Hollywood Genres
- Political Thought in Renaissance Europe (term 2 part only) **
- War and Society in the Eighteenth Century Atlantic World *
- Thinking Against Empire * / **
- The United States and the World: 1776-1900 *
- Controversies and Debates in First World War Studies
* Modules suitable for MA Transnational Studies students
** Modules suitable for MA History of Political Thought and Intellectual History students.