
UCL Health



UCL is a large research-intensive university of global standing and has central London facilities that are among the best in the world.


Our in-house facilities are complemented by our proximity to and close working relationship with national resources such as the Francis Crick Institute. UCL is part of UCL Partners, an Academic Health Sciences System covering a population of approximately six million people living and working in London. At UCL, trainees have access to an exceptional research environment that maps onto identified national skills gap including: 

UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging

The Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging is a multidisciplinary research Centre for biomedical imaging that aims to develop novel imaging techniques to improve health and well-being.

Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging

The Wellcome Trust Centre of Neuroimaging brings together clinicians and scientists who study higher cognitive function using neuroimaging techniques. Their goal is to understand how thought and behaviour arise from brain activity, and how such processes break down in neurological and psychiatric disease. Their research groups study all aspects of higher cognitive function including vision, hearing, memory, language, reasoning, emotion, decision making and social interactions.

Birkbeck-UCL Centre for Neuroimaging (BUCNI)

BUCNI provides state of the art magnetic imaging facilities for Birkbeck and UCL staff, and promotes inter-institutional collaboration and innovation. BUCNI is home to a Siemens Avanto 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner that is equipped with several specialized surface and head coils (including a 32-channel head coil) for high-resolution neuroimaging.

Biosciences EM Facility

The main Biosciences Electron Microscopy (EM) Facility has a number of Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM), including a new field emission scanning microscope. The Facility also contains a sample preparation laboratory, with a range of preparation equipment. It runs as a multi user facility or on a service basis, which allows users the choice as to what level of involvement they wish to have.

Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC)

The remit of CMIC covers the mathematics, physics, computation and engineering of medical image acquisition, information processing, image analysis and computer assisted interventions.

Proteomics Research Core Facility (PRCF)

The Proteomics Research Core Facility (PRCF) offers collaborative proteomics research support for projects at the Cancer Institute and within the CRUK UCL Centre. Electrospray Quadrupole-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (ESI-QTOF) coupled to a Nano UPLC is the technique used to identify proteins within a complex mixture such as a tissue homogenate or an IP experiment.

UCL Genomics

UCL Genomics is a collaborative research facility with expertise in state-of-the-art genomics technologies, genomics project design and data analysis.

Zebrafish Facility

The Zebrafish Facility breeds zebrafish, small tropical fish, that have become one of the favoured animal model systems for studying gene function during embryonic development, genetic analyses of disease, neural circuit function and behaviour. There are many research groups using zebrafish for research at UCL.

UCL Transgenic Service

The UCL Transgenic Service provides state of the art techniques and expertise in the creation, manipulation and delivery of genetically modified embryonic stem cell lines and mouse models.

UCL Human Tissue Biobanks

UCL Human Tissue Biobanks at UCL aims to maximise the value of data and biospecimen repositories across all campuses.

Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour

The Sainsbury Wellcome Centre brings together world-leading neuroscientists driven by a common scientific goal: to understand how neural circuits in the brain give rise to the fundamental processes underpinning behaviour.

Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit

The Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit was created at University College London (UCL) in July 1998, funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation . The Unit consists of five faculty members, about ten post-doctoral researchers, about fifteen research students and five support staff.
