
UCL Department of Geography


Silvia Polizel

Research Title

Morphodynamics of Brazilian deltas

More about Silvia
  • 2019 - ongoing:PhD in Geography, University College London - UCL
  • 2012 - 2014: MSc Remote Sensing, National Institute for Space Research - INPE
  • 2007 - 2011: BSc Geography (with emphasis on Environmental Analysis and Geoprocessing), São Paulo State University - UNESP

I have taught on the following modules:


  • Burningham, H., Polizel, S.P., Dramé, A.B. (2022). Morphodynamics of tropical Atlantic river mouths and their adjacent shorelines. In: Humphreys, J., Little, S. Challenges in Estuarine and Coastal Science, Pelagic Publishing, Chapter 1, ISBN: 9781784272852.
  • Polizel, S.P., Burningham, H. (2021). Wave climate variability and longshore sediment transport on The Doce river delta coast (Brazil). Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics, 9pp.
  • Rossetti, D.F., Polizel, S.P., Cohen, M.C.L. and Pessenda, L.C.R. (2015). Late Pleistocene-Holocene evolution of the Doce River delta, southeastern Brazil: Implications for the understanding of wave-influenced deltas. Marine Geology, 367, 171-190.
  • Polizel, S.P. and Rossetti, D.F. (2014). Caracterização morfológica do delta do rio Doce (ES) com base em análise multissensor (Morphological characterization of the Doce River delta (ES) based on multisensor analysis). Revista Brasileira de Geomorfologia (Brazilian Journal of Geomorphology), 15, 311-326.
Research Interests

Deltas are geomorphological frameworks that exist at the interface between riverine and open water systems (marine or lacustrine). They are a common feature in the Brazilian coast due to sediment-rich rivers and Atlantic swell.

This project seeks to investigate what factors control the morphodynamics of the São Francisco, Jequitinhonha, and Doce deltas inlets and their adjacent shorelines on the Brazilian east coast. The research involves geospatial analysis, field sampling, and modelling.


National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) - Brazil