Below, you will find the full list of ECRC self-published reports covering everything from results from contracted surveys to pieces too short for whole journal articles.
- 2017
- Goldsmith, B; Goodrich, S; (2017) Hedgecourt Lake: SSSI condition summary. (ECRC Research Report 188 )
- Shilland, EM; Clarke, G; Goodrich, S; (2017) River Clyde Environmental Change Network diatom analysis project final: report to SEPA. (ECRC Research Report 187 )
- Goodrich, S; Goldsmith, B; Shilland, E; (2017) Gaudet Luce Golf & Leisure Complex, Worcestershire: Report on aquatic habitats 2017. (ECRC Research Report 186 )
- Goldsmith, B; Shilland, E; Turner, S; (2017) Llyn Anafon: Ecological assessment of the aquatic flora to support HRA, 2017. (ECRC Research Report 185 )
- Goldsmith, B; Henderson, G; Willing, M; Goodrich, S; (2018) Burton Mill Pond vision and work programme. (ECRC Research Report 184 )
- Goldsmith, B; (2017) Wandsworth Lakes: Annual report on lake monitoring and management 2016. (ECRC Research Report 183 )
- Bharadwaj, B; Brierley, CM; (2017) Ratcheting up ambition on climate policy. (ECRC Research Reports 182 )
- Rose, NL; Shilland, EM; Shilland, JD; Roberts, L; UCL MSc Aquatic Science participants, .; (2017) Establishing a monitoring programme for the Allt a’Mharcaidh river restoration project: Monitoring sites and initial surveys. (ECRC Research Report 181 )
- Thompson, MS; Goldsmith, B; (2017) River Mease restoration monitoring: annual report 2017. (ECRC Research Report 180 )
- Goodrich, S; Goldsmith, B; (2017) Heath Lake SSSI, Berkshire: report on sediment analysis 2016. (ECRC Research Report 179 )
- Goodrich, S; Goldsmith, B; (2017) Heath Lake SSSI, Berkshire: Report on ecological lake monitoring 2016. (ECRC Research Report 178 )
- Georgeson, L; Maslin, M; (2017) Distribution of climate suitability for viticulture in the United Kingdom in 2100. (ECRC Research Report 177)
- 2016
- Goldsmith, B; (2016) River Thames Scheme lake surveys: macrophytes. (ECRC Research Report 176 )
- Brierley, CM; Simpson, M; Roy, I; Nankervis, C; (2016) Extreme UK rainfall and natural climate variability: combining models and data. (ECRC Research Report 175 )
- Goldsmith, B; (2016) Post-restoration nutrient monitoring: Felbrigg Lake final report to the National Trust. (ECRC Research Report 174 )
- Goldsmith, B; Shilland, E; (2016) Wychwood Wild Garden Aquatic Survey Final report to support the restoration of the ponds. (ECRC Research Report 173 )
- Thompson, M; (2016) Little Ouse, Thetford: Final report of post-restoration monitoring. (ECRC Research Report 172 )
- Bennion, H; Goldsmith, B; Yang, H; Goodrich, S; (2016) A palaeolimnological study of Loch Shin, Scotland. Final report to SEPA and the Forestry Commission. (ECRC Research Report 171 )
- 2015
- Thompson, M; (2015) River Mun restoration at Northrepps: Final report of pre- and post-restoration monitoring. (ECRC Research Report 170 )
- Thompson, M; (2015) River Nar restoration at Castle Acre: Final report of pre- and post-restoration monitoring. (ECRC Research Report 169 )
- Goldsmith, BJ; Dowman, S; Goodrich, S; Shilland, EM; Shilland, JD; (2015) DOE NIEA Standing Freshwater Monitoring of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Areas Special Scientific Interest (ASSI) (Second Round) P_12324. (ECRC Research Report 168 )
- Kernan, M; Turner, SD; Henderson, G; Goodrich, S; Yang, H; (2015) Analysis of sediment, fish and phytoplankton samples from Indawgyi Lake, Myanmar. (ECRC Research Reports 167 )
- Goodrich, S; Goldsmith, BJ; Sayer, CD; Alderton, E; Kernan, M; (2015) Inventory of ponds in the Norfolk Coast AONB - recommendations for pond survey and conservation. (ECRC Research Report 166 )
- Sayer, CD; Boyle, J; Emson, D; Goldsmith, BJ; Patmore, IR; Shilland, J; Yang, H; (2015) Recent heavy metal contamination of the Thurne Broads. (ECRC Research Report 165 )
- Goldsmith, B; Henderson, G; Shilland, EM; Dowman, S; Tomlinson, M; Harwood, A; (2015) Aquatic surveys: Glyn Rhonwy Quarries Q1 and Q6. (ECRC Research Report 164 )
- Goldsmith, B; Lambert, S; Hoare, D; Henderson, G; (2015) Hoveton wetlands restoration project: zooplankton and phytoplankton survey. (ECRC Research Report 163 )
- Bennion, H; Clarke, G; Goldsmith, BJ; Yang, H; Roe, K; Goodrich, S; Borch, H; (2015) A palaeolimnological study of Lake Vastadtjern, Norway. (ECRC Research Report 162 )
- 2014
- Goldsmith, BJ; Shilland, EM; Shilland, JD; Turner, SD; (2014) Floating water plantain Luronium natans (L) Raf.: Current distribution and status in Llyn Padarn and Llyn Cwellyn, Wales. (ECRC Research Report 161 )
- Goldsmith, BJ; Lambert, SJ; Henderson, G; Sayer, CD; Goodrich, S; Shilland, J; Matyskova, V; (2014) Hoveton Great Broad Macrophyte Study: Using the sediment record to inform lake restoration. (ECRC Research Report 160 )
- Goldsmith, BJ; Boyle, JF; Kernan, MR; Yang, H; Turner, SD; Bennion, HB; Shilland, EM; Shilland, JD; Smyntek, P; (2014) Modelling phosphorus fluxes in Loweswater. (ECRC Research Report 159 )
- 2013
- Shilland, EM; Burgess, A; Roe, K; Goodrich, S; (2013) Environmental change network diatom analysis and archiving project. (ECRC Research Report 158)
- Mitchell, L; (2013) Assessment of salmon spawning gravel in the River Frome, Gloucestershire. (ECRC Research Report 157)
- Salgado, J; Shilland, EM; Battarbee, RW; (2013) A review of liming as a technique for protecting salmonid fish populations in acidified surface waters. (ECRC Research Report 156)
- Wiik, E; Sayer, CD; Bennion, H; (2013) Palaeolimnological evidence for eutrophication in Malham Tarn (SSSI), North Yorkshire. (ECRC Research Report 155 )Battarbee, RW; Shilland, EM; Simpson, GL; Salgado, J; Goldsmith, BJ; Gray, W; Turner, SD; (2013) Surface-water acidity in the River Dart area. Report for the West Country Rivers Trust. (ECRC Research Report 154)
- 2012
- Sayer, CD; Robinson, P; (2012) Crassula invasion levels and success of recent eradication attempts at the Thompson Common pingo ponds. (ECRC Research Report 153 )
- Bromley, R; Burden, A; Curtis, C; Evans, C; Feuchtmayr, H; Grant, H; Heaton, T; Jones, T; Kaiser, J; Maberly, S; Marca, A; Ostle, N; Shilland, J; Simpson, G; Turner, S; De Ville, M; Zielinski, P; (2011) Freshwater umbrella - the effects of nitrogen deposition on freshwaters in the UK. (ECRC Research Report 152 )
- Simpson, G; (2012) Freshwater Acidity Critical Loads for the UK; an assessment of the effect of the proposed Hunterston multi-fuel power station on freshwater acidity status. (ECRC Research Report 151 )
- Battarbee, RW; Shilland, EM; Yang, H; (2012) Epilithic diatoms from the Trout Beck, North Pennines: 1997-2011. (ECRC Research Report 150 )
- Rose, N; Turner, SD; Yang, H; (2012) Palaeolimnological assessment of trace element inputs to lakes in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada. (ECRC Research Report 149 )
- 2010
- Shilland, EM; Collen, P; Flower, RJ; Keay, J; McCartney, A; Roe, K; Rose, NL; (2010) Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon Catchment. (ECRC Research Report 147 )
- Bennion, H; Goldsmith, BJ; Clarke, G; Rawcliffe, R; Rose, N; McGowan, S; Willby, N; Davidson, TA; Sayer, CD; Panizzo, G; Roe, K; (2010) Using novel palaeolimnological techniques to define lake conservation objectives for three Cheshire meres. (ECRC Research Report 146 )
- Battarbee, RW; Shilland, EM; (2010) Epilithic diatoms from the Trout Beck, North Pennines: 1997-2008. (ECRC Research Report 145 )
- Battarbee, RW; Shilland, EM; (2010) ECN Diatom Time-series from the Nant Teyrn, Snowdonia. (ECRC Research Report 144 )
- Bennion, H; Goldsmith, B; Burgess, A; Skulmowska, S; (2010) Diatom analysis of Polish cores. (ECRC Research Report 143 )
- Bennion, H; Clarke, G; Goldsmith, B; Battarbee, RW; (2010) Diatom analysis of three Norwegian cores. (ECRC Research Report 142 )
- Aherne, J; Bacon, P; Battarbee, R; Collen, P; Curtis, C; Evans, C; Flower, R; Helliwell, R; Hildrew, A; Kernan, M; Kreiser, A; MacDougall, G; Malcolm, I; Middlemass, S; Monteith, D; Murphy, J; Nisbet, T; Orton, S; Patrick, S; Rose, N; Shilland, E; Simpson, G; Winterbottom, J; Yang, H; Yang, H; (2010) UK acid waters monitoring network 20 year interpretative report. (ECRC Research Report 141 )
- Simpson, G; Hannaford, J; Dunbar, M; Laize, C; (2010) River water temperature patterns in England and Wales Surface water temperature archive for UK fresh water and estuarine sites — Phase II. (ECRC Research Report 140 )
- Sayer, CD; Copp, GH; Emson, D; Godard, MJ; Zieba, G; Wesley, KJ; (2010) The decline of crucian carp Carassius carassius in its native English range: the example of rural ponds in north Norfolk. (ECRC Research Report 139 )
- 2009
- Goldsmith, BJ; Hughes, MJ; Shilland, EM; (2009) Habitats Directive assessment of Llyn Anafon with respect to proposed water level changes. (ECRC Research Report 138 )
- Bennion, H; Rawcliffe, R; Goldsmith, B; Davidson, T; Sayer, C; Yang, H; Roe, K; (2009) Palaeoecological study of two lochs: Butterstone Loch and Lindores Loch. (ECRC Research Report 137 )
- Davidson, TA; Clarke, G; Rawcliffe, R; Roe, K; Rose, N; (2009) Reconstructing the past submerged macrophyte flora of Martham South, Burntfen, Sotshole and Nortons Broads, Fritton Lake and Mautby Decoy. (ECRC Research Report 136 )
- Bennion, H; Rawcliffe, R; Burgess, A; Davidson, T; Sayer, C; Rose, N; (2009) Using novel palaeolimnological techniques to define lake conservation objectives (Phase 2). (ECRC Research Report 135
- Rawcliffe, R; Bennion, H; Davidson, TA; (2009) Macrofossil analyses of White Loch. Final Report to SEPA and SNH. (ECRC Research Report 134 )
- Davidson, TA; Clarke, G; Rawcliffe, R; Roe, K; Rose, N; Turner, S; (2009) Defining lake restoration targets at Llyn Cadarn: a palaeolimnological approach. (ECRC Research Report 133 )
- Curtis, CJ; Flower, R; Rose, N; Shilland, J; Simpson, GL; Turner, S; Yang, H; (2009) Palaeolimnological study of selected lakes in the Wood Buffalo region. (ECRC Research Report 132 )
- 2008
- Sayer, CD; Goldsmith, B; Davidson, TA; Hughes, M; (2008) Nutrient sources to Blickling Hall Lake. (ECRC Research Report 131 )
- Davidson, TA; Clarke, GH; Rawcliffe, R; Salgado, J; Burgess, A; Turner, S; Yang, H; Hughes, M; Goldsmith, BJ; (2008) Palaeoecological assessment of freshwaters in SACs and ASSIs in Northern Ireland. (ECRC Research Report 130 )
- Mackay, AW; Mazebedi, R; Wolski, P; Davidson, TA; Huntsman-Mapila, P; Todd, M; (2008) Monitoring and simulating threats to aquatic biodiversity in the Okavango Delta: field and laboratory methods. (ECRC Research Report 129 )
- Taylor, RG; Russell, J; Eggermont, H; Mileham, L; Tindimugaya, C; Verscheuren, D; Todd, M; (2008) Hydrological and climatological change associated with glacial recession in the Rwenzori Mountains of Uganda. (ECRC Research Report 128 )
- Rose, N; Turner, S; Davidson, T; (2008) Sampling and analytical protocols for the Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) Water Projects. (ECRC Research Report 127 )
- Bennion, H; Clarke, G; Davidson, T; Rose, C; Rose, N; Turner, S; Sayer, C; (2008) Using novel palaeolimnological techniques to define lake conservation objectives (Phase 1). (ECRC Research Report 126 )
- Hughes, M; Sayer, C; Davidson, T; (2008) Conservation value of non-Broads lakes in Norfolk: determining what is known. (ECRC Research Report 125 )
- Davidson, TA; Appleby, PG; Clarke, G; Morley, D; Rose, N; Sayer, CD; Tuffin, S; (2008) Palaeoecological study of Rockland Broad. (ECRC Research Report 124 )
- Flower, RJ; Yang, H; (2008) Water quality and water availability variations in an upland Galloway loch with special reference to dissolved organic matter and the distribution of benthic diatoms. (ECRC Research Report 123 )
- Davidson, TA; Clarke, G; Morley, D; Rose, N; Turner, S; Sayer, CD; (2008) Palaeoecological investigation of the past biological structure and function of the Trinity Broads. (ECRC Research Report 122 )
- Bennion, H; Clarke, G; Davidson, T; Morley, D; Rose, N; Turner, S; Yang, H; (2008) Palaeoecological study of seven mesotrophic lochs. (ECRC Research Report 121 )
- 2007
- Shilland, EM; Monteith, DT; Keay, J; Collen, P; Kreiser, A; (2007) Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon Catchment: 2007 data report on Stream Water Quality to the Rannoch Trust. (ECRC Research Report 120 )
- Clarke, G; Bennion, H; Turner, S; Yang, H; (2007) Palaeoecological study of Lochs Arkaig, Huamavat and Shiel. (ECRC Research Report 119 )
- Curtis, C; Simpson, GL; Shilland, J; Turner, S; Kernan, M; Monteith, DT; Rose, NL; Evans, C; Norris, D; Rowe, E; Emmett, B; Sowerby, A; Heaton, T; Maberly, S; Ostle, N; Grant, H; (2007) Freshwater umbrella - the effects of nitrogen deposition & climate change on freshwaters in the UK. (ECRC Research Report 115 )
- Bennion, H; Burgess, A; (2007) Palaeoecological study of Loch Ussie. (ECRC Research Report 114 )
- Taylor, RG; Rose, NL; Mackay, AW; Panizzo, V; Mileham, L; Ssemmanda, I; Tindimugaya, C; Nakileza, B; Muwanga, A; Hau, J; (2007) Climate change and the aquatic ecosystems of the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda. (ECRC Research Report 113 )
- Burgess, A; Shilland, EM; (2006) Lake SSSI assessments (17 lakes) – site condition monitoring. (ECRC Research Report 112 )
- Shilland, EM; Monteith, DT; Keay, J; Collen, P; Kreiser, A; (2006) Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon Catchment. Tenth report on Stream Water Quality to the Rannoch Trust. (ECRC Research Report 111 )
- Burgess, A; Appleby, P; Piliposian, G; Turner, S; Rose, N; Bennion, H; (2007) Palaeoecological study of South Milton Ley, South Devon. (ECRC Research Report 110 )
- 2006
- Burgess, A; Bennion, H; Rose, NL; (2006) Palaeoecological study of Linlithgow Loch, Scotland. (ECRC Research Report 109 )
- Shilland, EM; Sayer, CD; (2006) Pond amphibian survey with special reference to Great Crested Newts. Manor Farm, Melton Constable, Norfolk. (ECRC Research Report 108 )
- Davidson, TA; Hoare, D; Morley, D; Sayer, CD; (2006) Reconstructing the macrophyte flora of three Broads: A palaeolimnological analysis. (ECRC Research Report 106 )
- 2005
- Burgess, A; Bennion, H; Clarke, G; (2005) Assessing reference conditions and ecological status for lakes using subfossil diatoms. (ECRC Research Report 105 )
- Yang, H; Rose, NL; (2005) Temporal trends of toxic trace metals across the UK using ²¹⁰Pb-dated sediment cores. (ECRC Research Reports 104 )
- Shilland, EM; Monteith, DT; Keay, J; Collen, P; Kreiser, A; (2005) Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon Catchment. Ninth report on Stream Water Quality to the Rannoch Trust. (ECRC Research Reports 103 )
- Bennion, H; Rose, NL; Burgess, A; Yang, H; Bowers, J; (2005) Palaeolimnological investigation of English Lake SSSIs. (ECRC Research Reports 102 )
- Rose, NL; Appleby, PG; Sayer, CD; Bennion, H; (2005) Sediment accumulation in the Broads. A report to the Broads Authority. (ECRC Research Reports 101 )
- 2004
- Kowalik, R; Evans, C; Hall, J; Cooper, DM; Davies, J; Hutchins, M; Jenkins, A; Battarbee, R; Curtis, C; Hughes, M; Kernan, M; Monteith, D; Patrick, S; Rose, N; Simpson, G; Yang, H; Malcolm, I; McCartney, A; Watson, J; Ferrier, B; Helliwell, R; Coull, M; Juggins, S; (2004) Summary of research under Defra contract "Recovery of Acidified Waters in the UK" EPG/1/3/183. (ECRC Research Reports 98 )
- Rose, NL; Theophile, S; (2004) An assessment of sediment chronologies for 35 lakes in Ireland based on skeleton spheroidal carbonaceous particle profiles. (ECRC Research Reports 97 )
- Hoare, DJ; Sayer, CD; Liptrot, E; Emson, D; Bennion, H; Appleby, PG; Waldock, MJ; (2004) Tributyltin (TBT) and the decline of the Norfolk Broads: Hickling Broad and Barton Broad. (ECRC Research Report 96 )
- Goldsmith, BJ; Hoare, DJ; Jones, JI; Nobes, GN; Sayer, CD; (2004) A biological survey of the Blakeney Freshes: North Norfolk. (ECRC Research Report 95 )
- Bennion, H; Clarke, G; Rose, NL; Theophile, S; (2004) Sediment core study of Loch Langavat, Isle of Harris. (ECRC Research Reports 94 )
- Shilland, EM; Monteith, DT; Keay, J; Collen, P; Kreiser, A; (2004) Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon Catchment. Eighth report on Stream Water Quality to the Rannoch Trust. (ECRC Research Reports 93 )
- 2003
- Bennion, H; Burgess, A; Boyle, J; Appleby, PG; Rose, NL; Sayer, CD; Theophile, S; (2003) Sediment survey of the Suffolk Broads. (ECRC Research Reports 92 )
- Keatings, KW; Flower, RJ; Zalat, AA; Abu-Zied, RH; Neideritter, R; Saif, T; Foster, I; Leng, MJ; Sturm, M; Peglar, S; (2003) People and climate: holocene sediment records of environmental change in Middle Egypt: fieldwork report and initial results. (ECRC Research Reports 91 )
- Goldsmith, BJ; Solovieva, N; Rose, NL; Shilland, EM; (2003) A palaeolimnological investigation at Crazy Well Pool, Dartmoor. (ECRC Research Reports 90 )
- Davidson, TA; Appleby, PG; (2003) The environmental history of Kenfig Pool, cSAC. (ECRC Research Reports 89 )
- Rose, NL; Rippey, B; Yang, H; Harra, S; (2003) Lake sediment toxicity in the UK: the role of trace metals and persistent organic pollutants. (ECRC Research Reports 88 )
- Goldsmith, BJ; Luckes, SJ; Bennion, H; Carvalho, L; Hughes, M; Appleby, PG; Sayer, CD; (2003) Feasibility studies on the restoration needs of four lake SSSIs. (ECRC Research Reports 87 )
- 2002
- Shilland, E; Montieth, DT; Harriman, R; Morrison, BRS; Collen, P; Kreiser, AM; (2002) Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon Catchment. Seventh report on Stream Water Quality to the Rannoch Trust. (ECRC Research Reports 86 )
- Battarbee, RW; Holmes, JA; Carvalho, LR; Henderson, A; Burgess, J; Collins, K; Summer, M; Edmunds, M; Leng, MJ; Chen, F; Zhang, J; Gou, X; Ma, J; Yang, Y; Shi, P; (2002) Sustainability and management of groundwater resources in the Minchin Basin, Gansu Province. (ECRC Research Reports 85 )
- Davidson, T; Bennion, H; Yang, H; Appleby, PG; Luckes, S; (2002) Investigation of environmental change at the Bosherston Lakes, Pembrokeshire. (ECRC Research Report 84 )
- 2001
- Sayer, CD; Jackson, MJ; Simpson, GL; Waldock, MJ; Reed, J; Henderson, ACG; Boyle, JF; (2001) Tributyltin (TBT) and the decline of the Norfolk Broads. (ECRC Research Report 83 )
- Shilland, EM; Monteith, DT; (2001) Limnological surveys of Welsh lakes: Llyn Helyg, Llyn Bedydd and Pant-yr-ochain pools, Clwyd. (ECRC Research Report 82 , pp. pp. 1-40 )
- Battarbee, RW; Juggins, S; Gasse, F; Anderson, NJ; Bennion, H; Cameron, NG; Ryves, DB; Pailles, C; Chalié, F; Telford, R; (2001) European Diatom Database (EDDI). An information system for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. (ECRC Research Report 81 )
- Shilland, EM; Monteith, DT; Harriman, R; Morrison, BRS; Collen, P; Kreiser, A; (2001) Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon catchment: sixth report on stream water quality to the Rannoch Trust. (ECRC Research Report 80 , pp. pp. 1-53 )
- Reynolds, B; Cullen, J; Evans, C; Jenkins, A; Curtis, C; Flower, R; Henderson, P; Monteith, D; Rose, N; Simpson, G; Yang, H; Harriman, R; McCartney, A; Watt, A; Ferrier, B; Helliwell, R; Juggins, S; Bradley, D; Ormerod, S; (2001) Summary of Research under DETR Contract "Acidification of freshwaters: the role of nitrogen and the prospects for recovery", EPG1/3/117. (ECRC Research Reports 79 )
- Rose, NL; (2001) Meteorological data for Lochnagar 1996-2000. (ECRC Research Report 78 )
- Dalton, CPD; Battarbee, R; Birks, HJB; Brooks, SJ; Cameron, NG; Derrick, S; Evershed, RP; Peglar, SM; Scott, JA; Thompson, R; (2000) Holocene lake sediment core sequences from Lochnagar, Cairngorm Mts., Scotland - UK final report for CHILL-10,000. (ECRC Research Reports 77 )
- Curtis, CJ; Hughes, M; Kernan, M; Shilland, E; Harriman, R; (2001) Critical loads of sulphur and nitrogen for surface waters in Northern Ireland. (ECRC Research Reports 76 )
- Yang, H; Rose, NL; Berry, A; (2001) Trace element measurements within London and across the UK with particular emphasis on mercury. (ECRC Research Reports 75 )
- 2000
- Simpson, G; (2000) Palaeolimnological analogues in defining target assemblages for the recovery of acidified surface waters: a desk study. (ECRC Research Reports 74 )
- Rose, NL; Appleby, PG; Bennion, H; Boyle, JF; Cai, S; Du, Y; Yi, C; (2000) Environmental change and atmospheric contamination across China as indicated by lake sediments (Joint Project Q741). (ECRC Research Reports 73 )
- Carvalho, L; Davidson, TA; Luckes, SJ; (2000) London Borough of Wandsworth report on lake monitoring programme April 1999-January 2000. (ECRC Research Report 72 )
- Carvalho, L; Monteith, D; (1999) Conservation objectives for oligotrophic and dystrophic lake types. (ECRC Research Reports 71 )
- Rose, NL; Yang, H; Berry, A; Boyle, J; (2000) Trace element measurements within London and across the UK with particular emphasis on mercury. (ECRC Research Reports 70 )
- Luckes, S; Bennion, H; Carvalho, L; (2000) Freshwater lake survey: SACs and SSSis. (ECRC Research Reports 69 )
- Bennion, H; Appleby, PG; Boyle, JJ; Carvalho, L; Luckes, SJ; Henderson, ACG; (2000) Water quality investigation of Loweswater, Cumbria. (ECRC Research Report 68 )
- Flower, RJ and Patrick, ST (Eds). (2000) The CASSARINA PROJECT (ERBIC18CT960029): An EU programme on environmental change in North African Wetlands. (ECRC Research Report 67 )
- Dalton, CPD; Battarbee, RW; Birks, HJB; Brooks, SJ; Cameron, NG; Derrick, S; Evershed, RP; McGovern, A; Peglar, SM; Scott, JA; Thompson, R; (2000) Holocene lake sediment core sequences from Lochnagar, Cairngorm Mts., Scotland - UK Progress Report for CHILL-10,000. (ECRC Research Reports 66 )
- Allott, TEH; Curtis, CJ; Hughes, M; Kernan, M; (2000) Empirical critical loads modelling for freshwater ecosystems. (ECRC Research Reports 65 )
- Allott, T; Bradley, D; Curtis, C; Evans, C; Ferrier, B; Harriman, R; Helliwell, R; Hughes, M; Jenkins, A; Juggins, S; Ormerod, S; Reynolds, B; Rose, N; Simpson, G; (2000) Critical loads of acidity and metals. (ECRC Research Reports 64 )
- 1999
- von Dornum, M; Flower, RJ; Jewson, D; Mackay, A; Mann, D; Timoshkim, O; Schon, I; Martens, K; Reid, G; Williams, DM; (1999) The Natural History Museum 1999 meeting on the biodiversity of Lake Baikal and a workshop on the taxonomy of Lake Baikal diatoms: the combined reports. (ECRC Research Report 62 )
- Jones, VJ; (1999) Diatom analysis of a core from Ennerdale. (ECRC Research Report 61 )
- Ramdani, M; Flower, R; Patrick, S; Kraeim, M; Ben Hamza, C; Baccar, L; Fathy, A; Abdelzaher, H; Somoue, L; Sarf, F; (1999) Change, stress and sustainability: aquatic ecosystem resilience in North Africa. (ECRC Research Report 60 )
- Mackay, AW; Battarbee, RW; Flower, RJ; Jewson, D; Lees, JA; Ryves, DB; Sturm, M; (1999) The deposition and accumulation of endemic planktonic diatoms in the sediments of Lake Baikal & an evaluation of their potential role in climate reconstruction during the Holocene. (ECRC Research Report 59 )
- Shilland, EM; (1999) A pollution chronology for Maiden Erlegh Lake, Berkshire. (ECRC Research Report 58 )
- Flower, R; Ryves, DB; (1998) Lake Baikal diatom taxonomy workshop. (ECRC Research Report 57 )
- Monteith, D; Allott, TEH; Harriman, R; Morrison, BRS; Collen, P; Kreiser, A; Patrick, ST; (1999) Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon catchment: fifth report on stream water quality to the Rannoch Trust and Scottish Natural Heritage. (ECRC Research Report 56 )
- Mackay, A; (1999) NERC - GEOPASS final project review: GR3/10529: minutes of Workshop 2. (ECRC Research Report 54 )
- Monteith, D; Allott, TEH; (1999) Classification of lakes in Wales for conservation using integrated biological data. (ECRC Research Report 53 )
- 1998
- Mackay, AW; (1998) NERC - GEOPASS mid project review: GR3/10529: minutes of Workshop 1. (ECRC Research Report 51 )
- UCL Environmental Change Research Centre, ; (1998) The CLAG Nitrogen Network: data report. (ECRC Research Report 50 )
- Allott, TEH (Ed). (1998) Biological significance and uncertainty analysis of critical load exceedance for freshwaters at the catchment scale: a progress report. (ECRC Research Report 49 )
- 1997
- Flower, RJ; Patrick, S; (1997) CASSARINA: change, stress and sustainability: aquatic ecosystem resilience in North Africa. (ECRC Research Report 48 )
- Rose, N; Monteith, D; Curtis, C; Cameron, N; Patrick, S; Yang, H; (1998) ECRC research at Lochnagar: 1997/8. (ECRC Research Report 47 )
- Bennion, H; Allott, TEH; Shilland, E; (1998) Investigation of environmental change in two mesotrophic lakes in Mid-Wales: Llyn Eiddwen and Llyn Fanod. (ECRC Research Report 46 )
- Rioual, P; (1998) Reconstruction of palaeoclimatic and palaeolimnological changes during the Last Interglacial from sedimentary diatom assemblages in the French Massif Central. (ECRC Research Report 45 )
- Patrick, S (Ed). (1997) Palaeolimnology and lakes with respect to pollution and to climate change. (ECRC Research Report 44 )
- Monteith, DT; Allott, TEH; Bennion, H; Carvalho, L; Duigan, CA; Harriman, R; Kirika, A; Hutchinson, J; Seda, JM; (1997) Integrated classification and assessment of lakes in Wales: phase IV. A report to the Countryside Council for Wales: contract no. FC 73-01-71. (ECRC Research Report 43 )
- Monteith, D; Allott, TEH; Harriman, R; Morrison, BRS; Collen, P; Patrick, ST; (1997) Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon catchment: fourth report on stream water quality to the Rannoch Trust and Scottish Natural Heritage. (ECRC Research Report 42 )
- Mackay, AM (Ed). (1997) Surface water acidification: I. The increasing importance of nitrogen. (ECRC Research Report 41 )
- Maslin, MA; Hall, MA; (1997) Improving the reproducibility of stable isotope records from planktonic and benthic foraminifera. (ECRC Research Report 40 )
- Rose, NL; Bird, D; Keohane, B; Harriman, R; Battarbee, RW; (1997) The analysis of trace metals in surface waters from Scotland and Wales. (ECRC Research Report 39 , pp. pp. 1-54 )
- Ryves, DB; Battarbee, RW; (1997) Assessing the impact of diatom dissolution in biasing quantitative salinity reconstructions from saline lake sediments. (ECRC Research Report 38 )
- Bennion, H; Monteith, DT; Appleby, PG; (1997) Nutrient reconstructions in standing waters: final report. (ECRC Research Report 37 )
- Bennion, H; Shilland, E; Appleby, PG; (1997) A study of recent environmental change at Llyn Tegid (Lake Bala), Wales. (ECRC Research Report 36 )
- Allott, TEH; Flower, RJ; (1997) Epilithic diatoms in Welsh lakes and streams. (ECRC Research Report 35 )
- Rose, NL; Battarbee, RW; Bennion, H; Boyle, JF; Cai, S; Harlock, BH; Oldfield, F; Yang, H; Yi, Z; Yu, L; Zhou, X; (1997) Palaeolimnological investigations of lakes on the Jianghan Plain, Central China. (ECRC Research Report 7 )
- 1996
- Monteith, DT; Allott, TEH; Bennion, H; Duigan, CA; Harriman, R; Kirika, A; Hutchinson, J; (1996) Integrated classification and assessment of lakes in Wales: Phase III. (ECRC Research Report 34 )
- Solovieva, N; Patrick, ST; (1996) Palaeolimnology and lakes with respect to pollution and climate change. (ECRC Research Report 33 )
- Carvalho, L; Cox, EJ; Juggins, S; Ryves, DB; Sims, PA; Mitlehner, A; Battarbee, RW; (1996) Diatoms, salt lakes and climate change: inter-regional datasets and transfer functions for global application. (ECRC Research Report 32 )
- Rose, NL; Rippey, B; (1996) The historical record of trace metal, fly-ash and persistent organic pollutant deposition to Loch Coire nan Arr, a remote lake in North-West Scotland. (ECRC Research Report 31 )
Bennion, H; (1996) Diatom derived phosphorus targets-broadland. (ECRC Research Report 26 )
- 1995
- Allott, TEH; Bennion, H; Carvalho, L; Duigan, CA; Harlock, S; Harriman, R; Kirika, A; Lancaster, J; Monteith, DT; Patrick, ST; Seda, M; (1995) Integrated classification and assessment of lakes in Wales: Phase II. (ECRC Research Report 17 )
- Bennion, H; (1995) Quantitative reconstructions of the nutrient histories of three Anglesey lakes. (ECRC Research Report 16 )
- Allott, TEH; Bennion, H; Carvalho, L; Duigan, CA; Harriman, R; Kirika, A; Lancaster, J; Monteith, DT; Patrick, ST; Seda, M; (1995) Integrated classification and assessment of lakes in Wales: Phase II. (ECRC Research Report 15 )
- Rose, NL; Punning, J; Fott, J; Bowman, JJ; Watt, J; (1995) Fly-ash particles and heavy metals in Europe: Implications for human and environmental health. (ECRC Research Report 14 )
- Rose, NL; Harlock, S; (1995) Loch Coire nan Arr: The dating of multiple cores using spheroidal carbonaceous particle data. (ECRC Research Report 13 )
- 1993
- Allott, TEH; Rose, NL; (1993) A palaeolimnological study of recent water quality changes in lochs with black-throated diver populations: a report to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. (ECRC Research Report 5 )
- Cameron, NG; Rose, NL; Appleby, PG; Battarbee, RW; Patrick, ST; Flower, RJ; Juggins, S; (1993) Lake sediment analyses. (ECRC Research Report 4 )
- Juggins, S; Battarbee, RW; Fritz, SC; (1993) Diatom/water chemistry transfer functions for salinity, water-level and climate reconstruction. (ECRC Research Report 3 )
- Jones, VJ; Juggins, S; Battarbee, RW; (1993) The palaeolimnology of Antarctic lakes using diatom water quality transfer functions. (ECRC Research Report 2 )
- Mackay, AW; Flower, RJ; Monteith, DT; Rose, NL; Battarbee, RW; Kuzmina, AE; Likhoshway, YE; Grachev, M; Appleby, PG; Boyle, JF; Dearing, JA; (1993) Recent environmental change in Lake Baikal, eastern Siberia, with special reference to the sedimentary diatom record. (ECRC Research Report 1 , pp. 0-0 )