
UCL Department of Geography


This year’s UCL Geography field class photography winners

5 January 2018

Images from the first term

This year’s UCL Geography field class photography winners

This year’s winners of the photography competition for 1st, 2nd and 3rd-year student field classes were announced before Christmas.

First-year students again went to Sitges and Barcelona to develop a variety of fieldwork skills, from river monitoring to the urban “rebranding” of Barcelona.

The Second-year physical geography group went to north-eastern Mallorca to carry out projects on wetland hydrology & ecology and coastline geomorphology. 

Meanwhile, a Third-year group visited Vienna in September to study how everyday life in the city is organised. 

Prizes for photographs were awarded to winners from each trip, with several excellent runners-up.


Barcelona (First year)

  • Henry Wigston: "Silent Voices, Loud Hearts" 

Mallorca (Second year) Jointly

  • Yusuf Khan Cheema: "Somewhere, over the rainbow"
  •   Joshua Fawcett: ”Sunset on Alcudia Bay”

Vienna (Third year)

  • Thasneem Zaman: “The earth has music for those who listen …”
Runners Up


  • Humaira Badr: "Una ciudad dividida - a divided city"
  • Kerri McCarton: “wheels on cobblestones”’
  • Charles Chetwood: “A lone olive tree clinging onto a soon-to-be eroded area of Sitges coastline”


  • Nicholas Maskrey: “Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true. When will you realize... Vienna waits for you”