
UCL Department of Geography


Jian Chen

Research Title

The coevolutionary governance of marine protected areas: an analysis of different perspectives on the effectiveness and equity of marine protected areas in China.

More about Jian 

Academic Background

  • MPhil/PhD Human Geography, University College London, 2021-present
  • MSc Marine Systems and Policies, The University of Edinburgh, 09/2020-09/2021
  • BEcon International Economics and Trade, Dalian Maritime University, 09/2017-07/2020
  • BA Public Administration, Public Administration, Dalian Maritime University, 09/2016-07/2020

Other Related Experiences

  • Membership in Marinence & Technology for Scotland, 2020-2021
  • Assistant Reviewer in Ministry of Transport of China, 2019.04


English Publications

  • Zhao J, Zhang T, Ali A, Chen J, Ji H and Wang T (2023) An empirical investigation of the impact of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth on climate change, evidence from emerging Asian countries. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 1. (Impact Factor: 5.411).
  • Zhao, Y., Song, Z., Chen, J., & Dai, W. (2023). The mediating effect of urbanisation on digital technology policy and economic development: Evidence from China. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 8(1), 100318. (Impact Factor: 11.219).
  • Wu, X., Ali, A., Zhang, T., Chen, J., & Hu, W. (2022). An empirical analysis of the impact of gender inequality and sex ratios at birth on China’s economic growth. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.  (Impact Factor: 4.232).

Chinese Publications

  • 张筌钧,陈坚.数字经济、城镇化和城乡收入差距实证研究[J].市场论坛,2022,No.221(08):81-88.
  • 张筌钧,陈坚.绿色金融支持数字经济发展实证研究[J].现代金融,2022,No.475(09):40-46.
  • 姜秀敏,陈坚.BBNJ协定谈判的焦点与中国的路径选择[J].中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版),2021,No.180(03):1-12.DOI:10.16497/j.cnki.1672-335x.202103001.
  • 姜秀敏,陈坚.BBNJ协定下中国参与公海渔业资源养护的可行性路径探析[J].山东行政学院学报,2021,No.178(03):61-69.
  • 姜秀敏,陈坚,张沭.“四轮驱动”推进蓝色伙伴关系构建的路径分析[J].创新,2020,14(01):1-11+125.
  • 姜秀敏,陈坚.论海洋伙伴关系视野下三条蓝色经济通道建设[J].中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版),2019(03):38-45.DOI:10.16497/j.cnki.1672-335x.2019.03.010.
  • 顾源,陈坚,张筌钧,杨传勇.抗压能力对心理危机干预的影响:心理弹性的中介作用[J].中国健康心理学杂志,2019,27(11):1621-1627.DOI:10.13342/j.cnki.cjhp.2019.11.006. 

Research Interests

As interlinked interests and influences of state, market, and civil society generate dynamically evolving governance paradigms, the debates about marine protected area (MPA) governance are shifting towards inclusive philosophies that creatively combine different steering roles. China's MPAs face an enormous challenge of balancing development with conservation.

The balance between a uniform political system and effective governance, and the compromise between bureaucracy and state power runs through the entire governance process.

Based on the concept of multi-level co-evolutionary governance, I will apply Jones’ MPA governance framework to four case studies, analysing the diverging perspectives between different actor constituencies on effectiveness and equity of MPA governance, as well as ‘lessons learned’ and their future implications.