
UCL Department of Geography



Research Title

Characteristics of shallow and deep groundwater in the Lower Kutai Basin of Indonesia

More about Arifin

Academic Background

  • 2022 – now: PhD, Geography, University College London
  • 2019 – 2020: MSc, Groundwater Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
  • 2011 – 2015: BSc, Geological Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology

Work Background

  • 2019 – now: Research/academic assistant at Applied Geology Research Group, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology
  • 2015 – now: Independent geologist/hydrogeologist


  • Suryana, E., Hutasoit, L.M., Ramdhan, A.M., Nugroho, D., and Arifin. (2023). Pore pressure and compartmentalization of carbonate reservoirs in Northern Madura Platform – East Java Basin, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal on Geoscience.
  • O’Connor, S., Ramdhan, A.M., Arifin, and Ellis, A.C. (2023). The resistivity log and its role in understanding sediment unloading, Lower Kutai Basin. Proceedings of the 2023 Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX) Conference.
  • Arifin, Irsyadulhaq, and Gurning, F. (2021). Groundwater scarcity in Indonesia: a preliminary study. Proceeding of 5th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Association of Groundwater Experts (PAAI).
  • Effendi, F.A.R., Rohman, H.F., Ramdhan, A.M., Suwarman, R., Chandra, A., and Arifin. (2021). Groundwater-surface water interaction of Citarum Watershed, Pacet-Majalaya-Ibun segments, Bandung Regency. Proceeding of 5th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Association of Groundwater Experts (PAAI).
  • Hutasoit, L.M., Ramdhan, A.M., Iskandar, I., and Arifin. (2021). Tritium: implies the young groundwater age? Insight from the isotope and hydrochemical data of mud volcano in East Java. Jurnal Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi, 12, 149-158.
  • Ramdhan, A.M., Arifin, and Suwarman, R. (2021). Wireline logs vs drilling events: which one to believe in implying subsurface pressure?. Indonesian Journal of Geology and Mining, 31, 108-116.
  • Ramdhan, A.M., Arifin, Hermawan, E., and Hutasoit, L.M. (2021). The effect of hydraulic conductivity and dynamic dispersivity values on in situ groundwater remediation using numerical simulation. Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik, 12, 107-118.
  • Ramdhan, A.M., Arifin, and Suwarman, R. (2021). The evaluation of unconfined aquifer parameter using pumping test and grain size analysis data. Jurnal Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi, 12, 73-81.
  • Daniel, D., Djohan, D., Machairas, I., Pande, S., Arifin, A., Al Djono, T.P., and Rietveld, L. (2021). Financial, institutional, environmental, technical, and social (FIETS) aspects of water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions in indigenous - rural Indonesia. BMC Public Health, 21, 1723.
  • Ramdhan, A.M., Hutasoit, L.M., and Arifin. (2021). Analytical method to accurately estimate overpressure magnitude: the case study from Indonesia’s Tertiary Basins. 45th IPA Convention and Exhibition.
  • Ramdhan, A.M., Arifin, and Suwarman, R. (2021). Assessing groundwater-Citarum River interaction and groundwater contribution to flooding. NSG2021 27th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
  • Arifin, Ramdhan, A. M., Suwarman, R., Irawan, D. E., Hutasoit, L. M., and Puradimaja, D. J. (2021). Estimation of 3D hydraulic conductivity distribution of unconfined aquifer using the geostatistical method and its relation to water quality and flooding in Upper Citarum River. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1098(5), 052013.
  • Arifin, Iskandar, I., and Irawan, D.E. (2019). Numerical simulation of groundwater extraction in a very small island. Proceeding of 4th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Association of Groundwater Experts (PAAI).
  • Arifin, Aprillia, P., Khutby, M.Z., Iskandar, I., and Irawan, D.E. (2019). Groundwater contamination potential in Pasir Bajing landfill and its surrounding. Proceeding of 4th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Association of Groundwater Experts (PAAI).
  • Arifin, Khairiansyah, M.A., and Simatupang, M. (2018). Groundwater exploration using geoelectrical method in Palanggai Village, Pahunga Lodu District, East Sumba regency, East Nusa Tenggara. Proceeding of 3rd Annual Meeting of Indonesian Association of Groundwater Experts (PAAI).

Research Interests

My research focuses on assessing shallow and deep groundwater characteristics in the Lower Kutai Basin, where Indonesia’s new capital city is situated. A hydrogeological survey over the basin and laboratory analyses (major ions, trace elements, stable isotopes) of groundwater samples are employed to characterise the shallow groundwater characteristics. As for the deep groundwater (depths > 500 m), petroleum exploration datasets are used.


  • Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) Scholarship