
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit



Taught courses in the first year of the Gatsby Unit PhD programme

First Term

SWC Ground Floor Lecture Theatre

Systems and Theoretical Neuroscience (taught with SWC, see here for syllabus)
Probabilistic and Unsupervised Learning (COMP0086) & Approximate Inference and Learning in Probabilistic Models (COMP0085)
Advanced Topics in Machine Learning (COMP0083, taught with CSML)

Second Term

SWC Ground Floor Lecture Theatre (for TN)

Theoretical Neuroscience
Reinforcement Learning (taught by CS)

Course materials from current and previous years

Our courses are run primarily for students at the Gatsby Unit. Nevertheless, students, postdocs and faculty members from other UCL departments are welcome to attend on an informal basis. If you would like to attend Systems and Theoretical Neuroscience, please contact SWC PhD Programme Coordinator Klara Olofsdotter Otis k.otis 'at' ucl.ac.uk. For Theoretical Neuroscience, please email I-Chun Lin i.lin 'at' ucl.ac.uk.

If you would like to audit or enrol formally in COMP0086, COMP0085 and COMP0083, please contact cs.pgt-students@ucl.ac.uk (UCL Computer Science Teaching and Learning for postgraduate taught programmes).