Potential supervisors
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Kaan AkşitAI areas: Learned Models for Next-Generation Displays and Graphics Available to take on new students in 2023: Yes |
Tomaso AsteAI areas: Data Driven Modeling and Network Representations with applications to finance and socio-economic systems Available to take on new students in 2023: Yes |
B |
Sophia BanoAI areas: Computer and Surgical Vision, Surgical AI, Deep Learning and Robotics Available to take on new students in 2023: Yes |
Alexandros BeskosAI areas: Probabilistic Modelling and Uncertainty Quantification, Bayesian computation, Signal Processing, Financial Statistics Available to take on new students in 2023: Yes |
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Benny ChainAI areas: Using machine learning to understand the human immune system Available to take on new students in 2023: yes |
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Serge GuillasAI areas: Functional data, time series, environmental statistics, calibration and emulation of complex computer models Available to take on new students in 2023: Yes |
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Junyan Hu AI areas: Distributed machine learning, Swarm robotics, Networked intelligent systems Available to take on new students in 2023: Yes |
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Zhibin (Alex) LiAI Areas: Robotics, Deep Learning, Robot Learning, Motor Learning Available to take on new students in 2023: Yes |
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Maria Perez OrtizAI areas: Maria is interested in the intersection of AI and environmental and social sustainability, with research in areas such as AI for environmental challenges, human-centred AI, simulation intelligence, responsible and ethical AI and computational social choice. Available to take on new students in 2023: Yes |
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Ricardo SilvaAI areas: Causality, Bayesian learning, relational modelling, graphical models Available to take on new students in 2023: Yes |
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