The UCL EPSRC DTP is seeking supervisors and projects for doctoral studentships within the EPSRC mathematical sciences remit area for 2021/22

2021/22 call for projects in mathematical sciences
Online submission
Supervisor eligibility
Each project must have a suitable supervisory team. Supervisors can be based in any UCL department, with inter-department and faculty collaborations welcomed. The students recruited to these studentships will be enrolled as a cohort on a maths and statistics research degree program. The DTP encourages consideration of diversity and support for early careers researchers when planning supervisory teams.
Project eligibility
All projects must be within the mathematical sciences theme and the research areas it covers. Potential supervisors should ensure they check which research area their proposed project falls into. EPSRC also provides guidance on determining whether research in mathematical physics and related areas falls within their remit or that of STFC. Potential supervisors who need further advice on determining remit can contact the BEAMS RCO team.
Studentship information
Studentships are for the 2021/22 academic year with a start date of 27-Sep-2021. They provide funding for tuition fees (home rate), stipend, and RTSG (Research Training Support Grant) allowance for 4 years. EPSRC expects the project to be designed and supervised in a manner that enables the student to submit their thesis within the 4 year funded period. Students recruited to these studentships will be enrolled as a cohort on a maths and statistics research degree program. Information for staff involved in managing EPSRC funded studentships at UCL can be found in the staff portal.
Leveraged funding
The UCL EPSRC DTP welcomes applications from potential supervisors who wish to leverage funding from a collaborator, either as a DTP-CASE conversion studentship or as a co-funded studentship (without meeting the full criteria for CASE conversion). Guidance on requirements for DTP-CASE conversion and partner involvement is available in the website FAQ.
Selection criteria
Proposals which fit the eligibility criteria will be reviewed by the panel. The panel will select projects covering a broad range of mathematical sciences research areas, with prioritisation based on support for early careers researchers; building strategic research areas; creation of collaborations; or the development of blue-skies or impactful areas.
Application process
The supervisor application form should be completed by the proposed primary supervisor ("Lead applicant") and the department support form should be completed by their Head of Department (HoD) (or a suitable delegate, e.g. Department Graduate Tutor, deputy HoD, if they are conflicted). The department support form must quote the name of the "Lead applicant" who submits the supervisor applicaiton using the same spelling so that the automated system can link the 2 submissions. Both online forms must be submitted by 14:00 on 25-Feb-2021.
PDF previews of the 2 forms are provided for reference only, all submissions must be made via the online forms.
Supervisor form preview:
HoD form preview:
Please note: The embedded form will only display if you are logged in to your UCL outlook/office365 online account. If you do not see the embedded form, you will need to access them via the link provided instead.
direct links:
Supervisor form:
HoD form:
Supervisor form:
HoD form: