UCL EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowships: Winter 2016
18 January 2017
The UCL EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowships support the forefront of EPSRC's doctoral graduates to continue, and develop their independent academic research career.
The selection panel for the Winter Call, lead by Prof Des McMorrow (Vice Dean for Research) and consisting of academics from across the BEAMS faculty, reviewed each candidate, considering their academic merit along with the strength of their long-term career plan and research proposal. Four awards were made in total, to the recipients indicated below:
Christopher Birkbeck (Mathematics) | Geometric aspects of eigenvarieties associated to Hilbert modular forms |
Richard Colchester (Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering) | All-Optical Intravascular Ultrasound (AO-IVUS) for interventional surgical procedures |
Lai Li (Physics and Astronomy) | The development of a prototype whispering gallery mode inertial sensor |
Kim Moore (Mathematics) | Topics in calibrated geometry |
Congratulations to all the successful candidates! The next call will open in late May 2017 - further details can be found on the Doctoral Prize Fellowship Webpage