
UCL Department of Economics


Wages and Low Pay in the Labour Market

Thursday 5th - Friday 6th March 2015



Workshop organised by Richard Blundell (UCL / IFS) and Stephen Machin (UCL / LSE)




Location: IFS Conference Room


Co-sponsored by UCL Economics The Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) at LSE and the ESRC Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP) at IFS

Centre for Economic Performance

Economic and Social Research Council
 Day 1: Thursday 5th March
10:00-10:30Registration and Coffee

Brian Bell (University of Oxford / CEP)
"Wage Stagnation and the Hidden Costs of Employment"

Discussant: Paul Gregg (University of Bath)


Jonathan Cribb (IFS)
"Earnings in the UK since the recession” (co-authored with Robert Joyce)

Discussant: Paul Gregg (University of Bath)


Carlos Carrillo-Tudela (Essex)

"Marginal Employment: Evidence from Germany” (co-authored with
Jean-Marc Robin and Andrey Launov)

Discussant: Henry Farber (Princeton)


Alex Bryson (NIESR / CEP)
"It’s Where You Work: Increases in Earnings Dispersion across
Establishments and Individuals in the US” (co-authored with Erling Barth, Jim Davis and Richard Freeman)

Discussant: Eric French (UCL)

 Day 2: Friday 6th March

Henry Farber (Princeton University)
"Job Loss in the Great Recession and its Aftermath: U.S. Evidence from the Displaced Workers Survey”

Discussant: Stephen Machin (UCL / CEP)

10:30-11:00Coffee Break

David Green (University of British Columbia)
"The Minimum Wage, Turnover, and the Shape of Wage Distribution" (co-authored with Pierre Brochu, Thomas Lemieux and James Townsend)

Discussant: Richard Dickens (University of Sussex)


Arindrajit Dube (University of Massachusetts - Amherst)
"Minimum Wages and the Distribution of Family Income"

Discussant: Richard Dickens (University of Sussex)


Wenchao Michelle Jin (IFS / UCL)
"Increases in Educational Attainment and the Impact on Wages: A
Cohort-Based Analysis for the UK” (co-authored with Richard Blundell
and David Green)

Discussant: Stephen Machin (UCL / CEP)

15:00-15:30Coffee Break

Johannes Schmieder (Boston University)
“You're In then You're Out: The Incidence and Effects of Being
Outsourced” (co-authored with Deborah Goldschmidt)

Discussant: Richard Blundell (UCL / IFS)


Uta Schoenberg (UCL)
"Labor Supply Shocks and the Adjustment Dynamics of Local Wages
and Employment: New Evidence from a Commuting Policy” (coauthored with Christian Dustmann and Jan Stuhler)

Discussant: Jonathan Wadsworth, CEP (LSE) / RHUL





Places are limited. To register your interest to attend, please fill in the webform below:-








For any further queries, please contact the Event Manager, Nirusha Vigi