Call for Papers: 5th Islamic Archaeology Day 2 February 2019
7 November 2018
Call for Papers: 5th Islamic Archaeology Day at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London Hosted by SOAS and UCL 11-6pm, Saturday 2 February, 2019

We would like to invite you to join us in London on Saturday, February 2nd 2019 for the 5th annual Islamic Archaeology Day jointly organized by SOAS and UCL and to announce the call for papers.
There are a small but increasing number of us working in Islamic archaeology in the UK. We are, however, scattered through a number of different institutions and we rarely have an opportunity to come together and discuss our work and other matters of mutual interest. The purpose of this day is to provide such an opportunity and to encourage collaboration across regional and period boundaries.
As in previous years, the 2019 meeting will feature around 12 papers of 20 minutes on recent work on the archaeology and heritage of the Islamic world (broadly construed) by established and early-career scholars. We are particularly keen to have papers that share the results of new research or fieldwork. Please send Corisande Fenwick ( a title if you would like to present a paper as soon as possible (n.b. given the popularity of the day, we will prioritise papers from those who did not speak in 2018)
The next meeting will take place in the ground-floor lecture theatre at the Institute of Archaeology, UCL in central London between 11-6pm on Saturday, February 2nd followed by a reception and an optional dinner at a local restaurant. There will be a small charge to cover food, tea and coffee and the reception. Registration details will be sent out when the programme is announced in late November. All are welcome!