
UCL Early Medieval Atlas


Papers at Viseu and SNSBI

21 April 2016


A busy Easter conference season has seen members of the EMA give a number of papers.

Stuart Brookes acted as member of the scientific committee for the Congresso: Do Império ao Reino, Viseu e o Território, in Viseu, Portugal, 12-4 April 2016, where he also gave a paper, with S. Prata (IEM/USAL); M. Moreno (CSIC); G. Souza (IEM) and C. Tente (IEM), entitled 'Living on the edge: Settlement and lifestyle at the eastern edge of Viseu's territory during the 10th century'.

Also in attendance was EMA collaborator Frode Iversen, who gave the keynote paper 'Medieval Defence Systems in Scandinavia. Beacons and Royal Villas'.

The Travel and Communication in Anglo-Saxon England team also attended the SNSBI (Society for Name-Studies in Britain and Ireland) 25th Annual Conference, Maynooth University, Ireland, April 15-18, 2016. Stuart Brookes and Ellie Rye presented the paper: 'New approaches to old roads: travel and communication in Anglo Saxon England'.