
The questions below are designed to test your understanding of the various versions and applications of the Batavian myth, based on the material presented here:

Question 1

Which three elements, indispensable to later versions of the Batavian myth, were already embedded in Tacitus’ Germania, 29?

>Check your answer here

Question 2

Summarize the two contrasting interpretations of the Batavian myth during the Twelve Years’ Truce, as presented by Hugo Grotius and P. C. Hooft.

>Check your answer here

Question 3

Why did the Batavian myth draw so much attention in the 1610s and 1650s in particular?

>Check your answer here

Question 4

The 19th century-interpretation of the myth closely resembled a version from the early 17th century. Which version, do you think, did it resemble most accurately, the interpretation by Grotius or by Hooft? And why?

>Check your answer here

Question 5

Which parts of Tacitus`s fragments, do you think, are likely to have been used by national-socialists to argue for a common pan-Germanic heritage?

>Check your answer here

Thank you very much for using the study-pack on the Batavian myth. We hope you enjoyed the various efforts of late medieval, early modern, and modern Dutchmen to both use and shape the representation of the ancient Batavians. You can check the >bibliography for further references on the Batavian myth, and for links to other relevant websites. Please take a few mintues to complete the >feedback form which can be found here.