by Mariana Fix, Pedro
Arantes and Giselle M. Tanaka
São Paulo, a small trading town until the mid 19th century,
slowly grew in importance through coffee exports. By the turn of
the 20th century, the city was socially divided between the geographically
high and low areas, with the
wealthy in the higher central districts – the places of formal
urban interventions – and the poor on the floodplains and
along the railways.
Between 1930 and 1980, urbanization accelerated greatly, with an
intense process of migration from the countryside, building on the
existing socio-spatial
segregation. At the end of the 1970s, the pattern of a wealthy centre
and poor periphery began to change with, initially, different urban
social groupings living in adjacent areas as a result of steadily
growing numbers of poor migrants in all areas of the city. The ‘lost
decade’ of the 1980s saw spiralling growth of shantytowns
in the urban periphery, known as favelas, and inner-city
slum tenements, known as cortiços. The cortiço
was the dominating São Paulo slum type until the beginning
of the 1980s, when the favela broke out of its traditional
urban periphery confines and spread all over the city to become
the new dominant type of slum. They did so by occupying just about
every empty or unprotected urban lot and on lands where building
is difficult, or of limited interest to the formal market. Favelas
and corticos have the following characteristics:
these are agglomerations of dwellings with limited dimensions, built
with inadequate materials (old wood, tin, cans and even cardboard)
distributed irregularly in lots, almost always lacking urban and
social services and equipment, and forming a complex social, economic,
sanitary, educational and urban order.
this is a unit used as a collective multifamily dwelling, totally
or partially presenting the following characteristics: (i) made
up of one or more buildings constructed on an urban lot; (ii) subdivided
in several rented, sublet or ceded units on any ground whatsoever;
(iii) several functions performed in the same room; (iv) common
access and use of nonconstructed spaces and sanitary installations;
(v) in general, precarious circulation and infrastructure; and (vi)
overcrowding of persons.
The favela is, in general, squatter settlement accommodation
– an owner-occupied structure located on an invaded lot and
without security of tenure – while the cortiço
is, generally, inner-city, dilapidated rental accommodation. The
cortiço’s origin dates back to the 19th century
as the legal, market alternative of popular housing. The favela
is a much younger phenomenon and represents the illegal market
alternative, utilizing invasion and squatting of open and unprotected
lands. Unlike the cortiço dweller, who is subject
to the laws of the market, rent and payment for services, favela
dwellers are seen as having ‘an easy life’, not
paying for anything.
The favela is largely owner-occupied, albeit often on squatted
or invaded lands, whereas the cortiço ispredominantly private-sector
rental accommodation. Although figures depend upon the methodology
applied, favela inhabitants now roughly outnumber cortiço
dwellers at a rate of 3:1.
The industrial deconcentration of the 1980s caused medium-sized
Brazilian cities to grow at rates much above those of the metropolises.15
In large metropolises, this caused lower central area population
growth rates or even decreases. The peripheral areas, however, continued
to grow at almost double the national urban rate. São Paulo’s
transformation from an industrial into a service metropolis was
responsible for considerable further economic and social polarization
and a rapidly growing income gap between the richest and the poorest.
This process continues to fuel the growth and emergence of favelas
and, as a whole, tenure patterns are therefore changing accordingly.
Both favelas and cortiços are popularly
seen as a space for the city’s ‘shady characters, bums,
troublemakers and dirty’. The medical metaphors ‘cancer’
and ‘wound’ are recurrent. The prejudice is quite ingrained,
especially among neighbours, who see their property devalued by
the slum. The image of the São Paulo favela dweller is confused
with that of the ‘marginal’ and not so much with the
crook or trafficker, as, for instance, in Rio de Janeiro.
The year 1971 saw the establishment of the first overall master
plan for São Paulo, intended to establish guidelines for
all municipal policies and urban zoning. The plan, however, did
not cater for the peripheral areas, effectively excluding thousands
from planning and public investments. A 1988 constitutional amendment
expanded municipal decentralization and autonomy. However, in the
face of insufficient national and federal fund disbursements to
the local level, this had comparatively little impact. The latter
is, moreover, the case as highly polarized local-level politics
– with often opposing public policy priorities – tend
to cancel each other out.
The favelas, however, had emerged during the 1970s as a
target for limited public policy. Nevertheless, this largely involved
cheap voter-drawing attempts rather than structurally addressing
the issues. During the early 1990s, the favelas for the first time
became the target of widespread action with a programme that served
41,000 families in its first two years. In the programme’s
ten-year existence, some US$322 million was invested. The cortiço,
however, did not see any similar attention until recently when the
central area real-estate price recovered and profitable activities
started in these areas.
Currently, a new action plan for favelas is being implemented, which
aims to reach 52,000 slum dwellers in the next three years with
legalization of tenure and upgrading of slum areas, and to network
with other social programmes.
The impact of all of these efforts is multiple, although not always
convergent, and very little evaluated. It is therefore difficult
to find out what their real impacts are. Programmes are frequently
paralysed by changes in public administration and subsequent policy
swings. Additionally, neither state nor federal investments in poverty
reduction reach São Paulo for technical reasons. Public policies
conducted in highly unequal and polarized countries such as Brazil
produce their own conflicts, tensions and impasses, since a common
development project for all social classes is no longer easily visualized.
This summary
has been extracted from:
UN-Habitat (2003) Global Report on Human Settlements 2003, The Challenge
of Slums, Earthscan, London; Part IV: 'Summary of City Case Studies',