Bloomsbury Theatre to re-open
We’re pleased to announce that the Bloomsbury Theatre will reopen in Autumn 2018 following a major refurbishment.
The Theatre, which prior to closure had gained a reputation in many fields, will celebrate its fiftieth year by unveiling an expertly restored, significantly upgraded venue.
This represents an exciting new chapter for UCL Culture, who manage the Theatre, enabling them to open their doors to more students, commercial users, academic and creative partners than ever before.
The project is a collaborative enterprise with UCL Culture and UCL Estates as part of the Transforming UCL programme, the largest capital programme in the university’s history which involves the investment of £1.2 billion to upgrade and expand UCL’s accommodation and facilities.

Sectional perspective, Bloomsbury Theatre. Credit: Nicholas Hare Architects
Sectional perspective, Bloomsbury Theatre. Credit: Nicholas Hare Architects
This cutting-edge revamp will give student societies and productions the full benefits of a 21st century theatre and create the opportunity for collaboration between academics, artists, performers, directors and companies.
Originally built in 1968 to support student activity at UCL, the closure inspired a revaluing of the Theatre’s role in student life and the need to ensure its survival into the future.
A key aim of UCL's Education Strategy is to provide high-quality opportunities for students to develop and learn outside their academic programmes. The newly refurbished Bloomsbury Theatre will be an excellent platform for these activities.
The programming has also undergone a refresh, mixing research-driven, innovative, co-produced content with curated commercial activity from live comedy to music.
This will include a range of shows and events inspired by the theme of performance=knowledge. Exploring how academic knowledge and data are bought to life using the techniques of stagecraft, theatre and the performing arts (read more about this and our other Manifesto themes in the UCL Culture Manifesto).
The Bloomsbury Studio, which opened in 2015, has already become a popular, live performance venue and will continue to host a packed programme of events.
We’ll be tracking the project as it happens with updates on @UCLCulture on Twitter and on the UCL Culture newsletter. So don’t forget to follow us.
A press release about the Bloomsbury Theatre re-development project is available to download here.