SCCI student showcase at the Open City Documentary Festival
24 April 2024
Masters students from the School for the Creative and Cultural Industries (SCCI) will showcase new and award-winning audio and immersive non-fiction work as part of this year's Open City Documentary Festival.
Join us on 29 and 30 April to experience and celebrate the rich breadth of projects across our audio and immersive postgraduate programmes!
UCL Anthropology students undertaking SCCI MAs in 'Designing Audio Experiences: Art, Science & Production', 'Immersive Factual Storytelling' and 'Audio Storytelling for Radio and Podcast' will present new, arresting and award-winning non-fiction work as part of the prestigious Open City Documentary Festival in London. There will be 3 events taking place at the Rich Mix Community Arts Hub in East London:
UCL Public Anthropology Student Showcase
Monday 29 April, 2 - 5pm @ Rich Mix
Coinciding with its relocation to East London, UCL Public Anthropology has added two exciting audio-based programmes to its long-running documentary master’s degrees, further expanding the department’s scope of practice-based research and learning. This event will present some of the most recent work produced by SCCI students on the Designing Audio Experiences and Audio Storytelling MA programmes. The work here demonstrates an eclectic approach to non-fiction storytelling, revealing new perspectives and new insights into the social world.
UCL Public Anthropology Student Showcase: Expanded Realities Exhibition
Tuesday 30th April 1 - 4pm @ Rich Mix
Join students from our audio and immersive postgraduate programmes for a sharing and celebration of their recent work. This afternoon will include a performance by students on the Designing Audio Experiences MA programme, who will present two site-specific collaborative performances using live spatial (immersive) audio. There will also be an exhibition of selected VR projects and award-winning audio documentaries, created by students on the Immersive Factual Storytelling and Audio Storytelling MA programmes.
UCL Public Anthropology Student Showcase: Audio Performance
Tuesday 30th April 3 - 4.30pm @ Rich Mix
Students on the Designing Audio Experiences MA programme will present two site-specific collaborative performances using live spatial (immersive) audio.
Taking place from 24-30 April and led by our colleagues at UCL Anthropology, Open City Documentary Festival is an exciting programme of film screenings, talks and workshops, created by and for the non-fiction cinema community in London.