UCL will have a great presence at CHI 2021
19 April 2021
Researchers from UCL will have a great presence at CHI 2021, the premier conference in Human-Computer Interaction.

Researchers from UCL will have a great presence at CHI 2021, the premier conference in Human-Computer Interaction. The conference will be held as a virtual online conference from May 8-13, 2021, and already received close to 4,000 registrations, more than in any year before. As a special recognition for her outstanding contributions to the CHI community, Ann Blandford was elected to the SIGCHI Academy this year.

“UCLIC academics and students got 11 papers accepted -- with three Best Paper Honorable Mention award recognitions, for the top 5% of all conference submissions.
UCL colleagues will also present three accepted ToCHI articles, co-organise nine workshops and SIG meetings, contribute to two panel discussions, and demonstrate at the interactivity session.
Find out more about UCL's presence at CHI.