"Tell me, Muse, of that resourceful man who trekked far and wide . . ." The Odyssey of Homer: A Southern African Translation

27 June 2018, 5.00pm - 7.00pm
Room 349, Third Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Richard Whitaker reads from and discusses his new translation of the Odyssey.
Professor Richard Whitaker studied Greek and Latin at the Universities of the Witwatersrand (B.A.), Oxford (M.A.) and St Andrews (PhD). He is now Emeritus Professor of Classics at the University of Cape Town. He has published on Roman love poetry, oral poetry, and the influence of the Classics on twentieth-century literature, and has translated books from Latin and French. He has also published travel books on South Africa with AA Travel (UK) and National Geographic, and is currently a Contributing Editor of the poetry magazine Stanzas. His translation of the Odyssey (2017) follows his The Iliad of Homer: A Southern African Translation (2012).
This event is jointly sponsored by the Institute of Classical Studies, London, and the UCL Department of Greek and Latin (the A. G. Leventis Fund).