
Centre for Neurorehabilitation


CNR Seminars

Lectures delivered by national and international experts on a range of topics every month at Queen Square

Seminars generally take place in the basement lecture theatre of 33 Queen Square on the 2nd Thursday of the month (might vary) at 5.30pm. Discussion after the talk may continue up until 7pm. 

Attendance is free, but you must register for free (details will be available prior to each talk). Do join us for refreshments and networking afterwards in the foyer.

Upcoming CNR Seminars

  • Collaborating in aphasia – why working together is better. Professor Madeline Cruice & Professor Lucy Dipper (City, University of London)  - Thursday 14 November 2024. Free registration here.
  • Beverley Harden MBE FCSP (NHS England's Allied Health Professions) - Thursday 12 December 2024
  • Dr Alastair Smith (University of Plymouth) - Thursday 13 February 2025
  • Dr Anna Bonkhoff (Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School) - Thursday 6 March 2025

Past seminar recordings

CNR Seminars in 2013

Non-medical clinical academic careers:  what are they all about? 

Pip Logan (University of Nottingham).  9th May 2013


Using magnetic brain stimulation to study neuroplasticity and its relevance to neurorehabilitation  Michael Ridding (University of Adelaide).  23rd May 2013


Patient and Public Engagement - designing for people with multiple sclerosis

Alison Thomson (Queen Mary University of London).  13th June 2013


Functional improvement after repair of brachial plexus avulsion:  can we do better? 

David  Choi (UCL Institute of Neurology).  11th July 2013


Two perspectives of motor recovery after stroke 

Winston Byblow (University of Auckland).   2nd September 2013


Semaphore:  some preliminary results of an RCT of treatment of word retrieval in patients with aphasia  

David Howard (University of Newcastle).  12th September 2013


Cerebral networks – why do we have them?  How can we use them? 

Owen White (University of Melbourne).  8th October 2013


Experimental drugs for treatment of spasticity

David Baker (Queen Mary University of London).  14th November 2013

CNR Seminars in 2014

Rehabilitation in neurological cancers:  are we getting it right

Gail Eva (Brunel University).  13th February 2014


Self-management after stroke

Fiona Jones (St George’s University of London).  13th March 2014


Pathophysiology and rehabilitation of walking and balance in hereditary spastic paraparesis

Jon Marsden (University of Plymouth).  10th April 2014


The spontaneous recovery process after stroke – what happens in humans 

Cathy Stinear and Winston Byblow (University of Auckland).  14th April 2014


Music therapy in the assessment and rehabilitation of those with disorders of consciousness   

Julian O’Kelly (Royal Hospital for Neurodisability).  8th May 2014


Rehabilitation for people with neuromuscular disease 

Gita Ramdharry (St George’s University of London).  12th June 2014


Preventable dementias:  Conceptual and scientific bases

Vladimir Hachinski (University of Western Ontario, Canada).  18th June 2014


Implementing rehabilitation pathways for people with brain and CNS tumours

Sara Robson and Julie Emerson (The Christie Hospital, Manchester).  19th June 2014


Upper extremity stroke rehabilitation - pointing to the future 

Steve Wolf (Emory University School of Medicine, GA, USA).  4th July 2014


Vocational rehabilitaton after acquired brain injury

Andy Tyerman (Buckingham Healthcare NHS Trust).  10th July 2014


Tapping into neuroplasticity to improve continence in spinal cord injury

 Natalia Vasquez (Royal National Orthopedics Hospital).  14th August 2014


Lost in translation?  Vestibular function , falls risk assessment and balance rehabilitation in older adults and possibilities for translation into neurorehabilitation

Matt Liston (Kingston University and St George’s University of London).  11th September 2014


iCycle:  electrical stimulation for motor recovery in spinal cord injury

Nick Donaldson and Jane Burridge (University College London and Southampton University).  16th October 2014


Awareness of illness following brain damage 

Aikaterini Fotopoulou (UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences).  13th November 2014


RATULS robot trial for upper limb dysfunction after stroke 

Duncan Turner (University of East London).  11th December 2014


CNR Seminars in 2015

Services offered by Headway East London – a charity supporting people  affected  by brain injury.  The model and brain injury survivors’ experience of the service

Amanda d’Souza and brain injury survivors (Headway East London and Homerton University Hospital).  12th February 2015


Enhancing physical activity in people with MS:  An overview of the evidence

Jenny Freeman (Plymouth University).  12th March 2015


Reaching, robots and rehabilitation. Brain activity and the effects of practice

George Wittenberg (University of Maryland).  23rd March 2015


Habilitation – the art of person-environment interactions, or rehabilitation before you need it

Nick Tyler (University College London).   9th April 2015


Optimizing health environments:  the science of enrichment and evidence-based design

Julie Bernhardt (University of Melbourne).  14th April 2015


What do we mean by brain plasticity, and is there more of it than usual after stroke? 

John Rothwell (University College London).  14th May 2015


The trials of conducting  trials.  Practical problems encountered in rehab research and possible solutions

Avril Drummond (Nottingham University).  11th June 2015


Cognitive assessment in multiple  sclerosis

Dawn Langdon (Royal Holloway University of London).  10th September 2015


Progress in rehabilitation  research. What have we learned from the RCT?  Where to from here?   Marion Walker (University of Nottingham).  8th October 2015


Creating the evidence-base for personalized stroke rehabilitation

Val Pomeroy (University of East Anglia).  12th November 2015


Rethinking spasticity – Beyond the Ashworth Scale Mechanisms of post-stroke spasticity – challenging the status quo

Mindy Levin (McGill University).  26th November 2015


Therapy for cognitive impairment in traumatic brain injury

David Sharpe (Imperial College London).  10th December 2015

CNR Seminars in 2016

Rehabilitation after brain injury from a patient’s perspective

Barbara Wilson (founder Zangwill Centre, Cambridge).  11th February 2016


Clinical academic career pathways for allied health professionals

Lesley Baillie (London South Bank University and UCLH).  10th March 2016


The devolution of HR practices to front-line managers:  implications for the provision of support for employees with MS

Andrea Kirk-Brown (Monash University, Australia).  31st March 2016


Integrating the management of bladder dysfunction in the rehabilitation of neurological patients Jalesh Panicker (University College London/National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery).  14th April 2016


Spatial neglect:  attention, motivation and dopamine 

Paresh Malhotra (Imperial College London).  12th May 2016


‘Big CACTUS’ Evaluating an approach to delivering computerised therapy for aphasia:  from pilot to pragmatic RCT

Rebecca Palmer (University of Sheffield).  9th June 2016


Autonomic barriers to effective neurorehabilitation 

Ellen Merete-Hagen (National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery).  14th July 2016


Supporting physical activity for people living with long-term conditions 

Leigh Hale (University of Otago, New Zealand). 13th September 2016


Neural interfaces for the brain and spinal cord 

Andrew Jackson (University of Newcastle).  13th October 2016


Post-stroke fatigue:  a new perspective 

Anna Kuppuswamy (UCL Institute of Neurology).  10th November 2016


Treating aphasia and the person 

Linda Worrall (University of Queensland, Australia).  6th December 2016

CNR Seminars in 2017

Humanizing care and cultures:  translating theory into practice on an acute stroke unit 

Carole Pound (University of Bournemouth).  9th February 2017


Modulation of visual attention by prismatic adaptation 

Stephanie Clarke (University of Lausanne).  28th March 2017


Holistic neuropsychological rehabilitation:  online and interactive? 

Andrew Bateman (Zangwill Centre, Cambridge).  6th April 2017


Memory rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis

Roshan Nair (University of Nottingham.  11th May 2017


Facilitating return to work through early specialist health-based interventions: a feasibility trial

Kate Radford (University of Nottingham).  8th June 2017


Deciphering the anatomical and functional correlates of hand motor function to propose new targets for non-invasive brain stimulation in stroke

Charlotte Rosso (University of Paris).  27th July 2017


At the cliff edge – disease modification in very advanced multiple sclerosis

Klaus Schmierer (Queen Mary University of London).  14th September 2017


Overcoming the challenge of implementing evidence into practice in stroke rehabilitation 

Louise Connell (University of Central Lancashire).  12th October 2017


The exercise prescription for delaying disease progression in Parkinson’s disease 

Daniel Corcos (Northwestern University, Chicago, USA).  19th December 2017

CNR Seminars in 2018

Why are we not using first principle arguments for treatment solutions? 

Anand Pandyan (University of Keele).  8th March 2018


Stroke – Early supported discharge:  theory versus reality 

Rebecca Fisher (University of Nottingham).  3rd May 2018


Functional neurological disorder:  moving from diagnosis to treatment 

Mark Edwards (St George’s University of London).  31st May 2018


Job done?  Rehabilitating memory and executive function after brain injury 

Jon Evans (University of Glasgow).  14th June 2018


Using rodents and robots to help us improve movements after stroke 

Lawrence Moon (Kings College London).  12th July 2018


Motor control after stroke:  conceptual puzzle, practical challenge

John Krakauer (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA).  13th September 2018


Exploiting plasticity in brainstem systems for rehabilitation 

Stuart Baker (University of Newcastle).  11th October 2018


Advances in evidence-based MS physical rehabilitation

Peter Feys (Hasselt University, Belgium).  8th November 2018

CNR Seminars in 2019

Innovation in practice - the evolution of NeuroResponse as a digital model of care.   Bernie Porter MBE (National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, UCLH).   Thursday 7th February 2019, 5.30 pm

What factors influence the frequency and intensity of therapy provision in stroke units?  Professor David Clarke (Leeds University).  Thursday 14th March 2019, 5.30 pm 

Prospects for exercise and physical activity interventions in Huntingdon's Disease - what next?  Professor Monica Busse (Cardiff University).  Thursday 25th April 2019, 5.30 pm

Psychological adjustment and rehabilitation.  Professor Dame Caroline Watkins (University of Central Lancashire).  Thursday 16th May 2019

Regenerative neurology - an emerging medical discipline?  Professor Siddharthan Chandran (University of Edinburgh).  Thursday 20th June 2019

A stroke odyssey.  Lucinda Jarrett (National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, UCLH).  Thursday 18th July 2019

Advanced symptom management in people with MS:  pushing the boundaries.  Dr Rachel Farrell (UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and National Hospital).  Thursday 10th October 2019

Exercise is medicine in multiple sclerosis - time for a paradigm shift!   Assoc Professor Ulrik Dalgas (Aarhus University, Denmark).  Thursday 14th November 2019

CNR Seminars in 2020

Apraxia: Neurology, Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation.  Prof Jon Marsden (University of Plymouth).  Thursday 23rd January 2020

Stroke rehabilitation: the journey from Cindarella to Goldilocks.  Prof Avril Drummond (University of Nottingham).  Thursday 12th March 2020

(Events cancelled due to COVID-19)

This talk is not about goal setting:  habits, routines and play in rehabilitation.  Prof Diane Playford (University of Warwick).  Thursday 10th December 2020 (via Teams)

CNR Seminars in 2021

20 years of self-management research: what's new, what works, and what's next?  Prof Fiona Jones (St George's University of London and Kingston University).  Thursday 21st January 2021 (via Teams)

The pros and cons of consciousness (and cognitive neuropsychological rehabilitation).  Dr Tom Manly (University of Cambridge, MRC Cognition and Brain Unit).  Thursday 18th February 2021 (via Teams)

Tracking neurodegenerative changes after spinal cord injury: direct implications for treatment.  Prof Patrick Freund (University of Zurich)   Thursday 18th March 2021 (via Teams)

How local and global metacognition shape mental health.  Dr Stephen Fleming (University College London). Thursday 15th April 2021 (via Teams)

When the spark goes out: neuroscience and the clinical implications of apathy.  Prof Masud Husain (University of Oxford).  Thursday 10th June 2021 (via Teams)


CNR Seminars in 2022

Confidence, metacognition and the construction of self-beliefs.  Dr Stephen Fleming (UCL).  Thursday 21st April 2022 (hybrid).

Deeptech rehabilitation: immersive mind-body therapy for chronic neurological disorders.  Dr Diego Kaski (UCL).  Thursday 12th May 2022 (hybrid).

Halved worlds – neglect in clinical practice.  Prof Thomas Nyffeler (Bern University Hospital).  Thursday 23rd June 2022 (hybrid).

Deregulated semantic cognition in aphasia.  Prof Beth Jefferies (University of York).  Thursday 14th July 2022 (hybrid).

Assistive technology for a fairer world.  Prof Cathy Holloway (UCL).  Thursday 15th December 2022 (hybrid). 

CNR Seminars in 2023

Sensory discrimination in the upper limb after stroke: clinical and robot-based evaluation and therapy.  Dr. Geert Verheyden (KU Leuven).  Thursday 12th January 2023 (hybrid).

Games, Robots and Rock & Roll. Professor Rui Loureiro (UCL). Thursday 9th February 2023 (hybrid).

Intervention for sentence processing impairments in aphasia. Professor Rosemary Varley (UCL). Thursday 8th June 2023 (hybrid).

Clinical trial readiness for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Dr Kayla Cornett (University of Sydney). Wednesday 5th July 2023 (hybrid).

Communication partner training for aphasia: The Better Conversations approach. Dr Suzanne Beeke (UCL). Thursday 9th November 2023 (in person).

CNR Seminars in 2024

Physiotherapy for Functional Neurological Disorder: Outcomes from the Physio4FMD Trial. Dr Glenn Nielsen (St George's, University of London). Thursday 3 October 2024 (in person).

Upper limb motor recovery post-stroke: Embracing complexity to deliver optimal outcomes. Dr Kate Hayward (University of Melbourne). Monday 13th May 2024 (in person).

Self-management: what do all healthcare professionals need to consider to support stroke survivors with aphasia? Dr Faye Wray (University of Leeds). Thursday 18th July 2024 (in person).