
Queen Square Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases


Further information and support

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CMT support group


Neuropathy Trust


GBS-CIDP Foundation International 


Support group 

When Day Care started six patients were treated each day. Today it is over 60, 300 or so per week. 

More or less at the beginning of Day Care the IVIg Support Group was established, it has now over 70 member patients who have IVIg. Three years ago discussions with the National Brain Appeal (NBA) enabled the group to raise funds on its behalf. Our aim is to provide enhanced facilities for patients and nursing staff whilst in Day Care, over and above what is or can be provided by the NHS.

Since 2008 the group has requested many items and improvements within Day Care at no extra costs to patients. These include; newspapers, the Shuttle, WiFi, superior coffee and tea making facilities, ice makers, improved cannulation techniques including sharper needles, Portacaths and subcutaneous infusers for treatment at home.

There has been a recent exchange of letters, dialogue and welcomed support from the Public Health Minister.

For three years the group has fundraised on an ad hoc basis through holding Christmas stalls, participating in events, sales of goods, donations and application to grant making trusts and companies owing much to the generosity of the patients and staff time.

Having circulated questionnaires to patients last autumn to ascertain their requirements, discussions are now going to get underway this spring.

Contact David Bull for more information and how to join the support group.