Ines's research is mainly focused on the knowledge of the different aspects of nuclear receptor function as transcriptional regulators involved in the control of lipid metabolism. (please refer to techniques for more info).
Current funders
- Diabetes UK, British Heart Foundation, Multiple Sclerosis Society and Lupus UK.
Past Funders
- Newton- Academy of Medical Sciences, British Heart Foundation, Medical Research Council, Rosetrees Trust, EU-Marie Curie FP7, UCL Grand Challenges and Royal Free Charity Trust.
Teaching students on the following:
- BIOC0019: Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease (Biosciences) Macrophages in Atherosclerosis formation.
- GENE0006: Understanding Bioinformatics Resources and Their Application(Institute for Cardiovascular Science). Transcription Introduction, Methods in Transcription and Interpreting transcriptomic data.
Training students on the following:
- PhD Programs/DTPs:
- BBSRC-LIDO, MRC DTP in Fundamental Mechanisms of Disease, MRC DTP in Precision Medicine and BHF 4yr Program.
- MSc courses: Human Genetics in Human Diseases and Cardiovascular disease