The Bloomsbury Environmental Isotope Facility (BEIF) houses 2 continuous-flow (ThermoFisher Delta V) mass spectrometers with a variety of peripheral systems capable of measuring stable isotopes (δ2H, δ13C, δ15N, δ18O, and δ34S) generated from a variety of materials; a Cavity RingDown Spectrometer (Picarro L2130-i) for δ18O and δD in waters; and a Nu Perspective IS, for clumped isotopes measurements in carbonates.
Our expertise
UCL's BEIF laboratory has substantial expertise analyzing stable isotope (inorganic and organic). All BEIF detailed equipment can be found by selecting navigational tabs in the left panel of this site.
What we do
We analyze materials for research projects (including Masters and Ph.D. projects) as well as materials received from colleagues external to UCL. The variety of peripherals in the BEIF laboratory allows us to analyze carbonates (sediments, speleothem, foraminifera, ostracods, corals, fish otoliths, belemnites..), bulk organic matter as well as samples from cave deposits, archaeological materials (bone, teeth, hair & plants), rocks and water.