Heritage latest
257 results
Design with Heritage project launched
Design with Heritage project launched. 31 January 2013. UCL Centre for Sustainable Heritage and the Victoria & Albert Museum announce the launch of Design with Heritage, a 12-month Creative Economy Knowledge Exchange project funded by the Arts and…
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage
Damage functions in heritage science
Damage functions in heritage science. 1 January 2013. Damage functions in heritage science. Studies in Conservation, 58 (2), 80-87. Strlic, M., Thickett, D., Taylor, J., Cassar, M. (2013).…
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage
Lasers in the conservation of artworks IX
Lasers in the conservation of artworks IX. 1 January 2013. Lasers in the conservation of artworks IX. London: Archetype. Saunders, D., Strlic, M., Korenberg, C., Luxford, N., Birkholzer, K. (Eds.), (2013). The full text of this article is not…
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage
Damage functions in heritage science
Damage functions in heritage science. 1 January 2013. Damage functions in heritage science. Studies in Conservation, 58 (2), 80-87. Strlic, M., Thickett, D., Taylor, J., Cassar, M. (2013).…
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage
Lasers in the conservation of artworks IX
Lasers in the conservation of artworks IX. 1 January 2013. Lasers in the conservation of artworks IX. London: Archetype. Saunders, D., Strlic, M., Korenberg, C., Luxford, N., Birkholzer, K. (Eds.), (2013). The full text of this article is not…
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage
Introduction: Managing Archaeological Sites in Greece
Introduction: Managing Archaeological Sites in Greece. 1 January 2013. Introduction: Managing Archaeological Sites in Greece. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 15 (1), 1-12. Alexopoulos, G., Fouseki, K. (2013). The full text of…
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage
Introduction: Managing Archaeological Sites in Greece
Introduction: Managing Archaeological Sites in Greece. 1 January 2013. Introduction: Managing Archaeological Sites in Greece. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 15 (1), 1-12. Alexopoulos, G., Fouseki, K. (2013). The full text of…
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage
Modelling the lifetime of colour photographs in archival collections
Modelling the lifetime of colour photographs in archival collections. 1 January 2013. Modelling the lifetime of colour photographs in archival collections. Studies in Conservation, 58 (2), 107-116. Fenech, A., Dillon, C., Ntanos, K., Bell, N.,…
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage
Modelling the lifetime of colour photographs in archival collections
Modelling the lifetime of colour photographs in archival collections. 1 January 2013. Modelling the lifetime of colour photographs in archival collections. Studies in Conservation, 58 (2), 107-116. Fenech, A., Dillon, C., Ntanos, K., Bell, N.,…
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage
Fine particulate matter in indoor cultural heritage: a literature review
Fine particulate matter in indoor cultural heritage: a literature review. 1 January 2013. Fine particulate matter in indoor cultural heritage: a literature review. Heritage Science, 1 (1). Grau-Bové, J., Strlič, M. (2013).…
UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage