Project Information![]() Its aims were to study the effects of antibiotic administration on the emergence and persistence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in humans and on the composition of the indigenous microbiotas at various body sites. Current information about the project and its objectives can be found on the final summary leaflet. A list of the scientific publications arising from the project can be found here. The ANTIRESDEV consortium will be presenting the results of the project in a dedicated symposium at the 36th International Congress of the Society for Microbial Ecology and Disease (SOMED 2013). SOMED 2013 will be held in the university city of Kosice, European Capital of Culture 2013 and the ANTIRESDEV symposium will be held on 23rd September, entitled 'The effects of antibiotic administration on the emergence and persistence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in humans and on the composition of the indigenous microbiotas at various body sites'. Facts and figures![]()