This policy applies to:
everyone who procures, manages, or develops a digital system as part of the University’s business processes; and
everyone who produces documents or content hosted on a digital system that meets the following description:
For the purposes of this policy, a “digital system” is any IT (Information Technology) system that is provided by UCL and/or accessed using a browser or a mobile device that is created for an internal or external audience (for example staff, students, and members of the public). This applies to front and back-end aspects of the interface. A digital system is in scope if it is funded, developed, or controlled by the University or has UCL branding.
The policy covers:
Online materials that UCL publishes via websites, intranets, wiki, blogs, social media channels etc.
Documentation including documents, presentations, meetings/events papers, instructions that are produced day-to-day.
Multimedia – audio, video, and imagery.
Teaching content – including online content, documentation and multimedia used in teaching
Digital products / services / platforms delivered by UCL which have a user interface, whether developed in-house or bought in.
Links to good practice guidance are provided throughout.
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