
Centre for Access to Justice


Migrants Organise Internship

UCL Centre for Access to Justice has partnered with Migrants Organise to offer an internship opportunity to UCL Law Students.

20 September 2019

About the project

Migrants Organise is a support orgainsation for migrants and refugees located in Ladbroke Grove, London. Last year the charity launched its new Legal Support Project headed by a barrister from No5 chambers. The project is unique in its approach in that it provides an all encompassing legal support - clients can come in with a variety of legal problems ranging from immigration, family, crime and even property and contract. The purpose of the project is to give personal legal support to one of the most vulnerable communities in London.

Migrants Organise has also collaborated with UCL Centre for Access to Justice to initiate Migrants Organise x UCL CAJ Talk, an annual lecture on issues affecting migrants and refugees in the UK. The event will take place around mid-February.

Student roles

Migrants Organise is currently looking for two volunteer intern caseworkers who will work one full day per week:


The role will be from mid October untli the end of March. The intern's performance will be reviewed after 3 months. The detalis of the work period is flexible and can be negotiated.


Volunteers will be able to apply for travel reimbursement and lunch expenses from Migrants Organise, but otherwise the work would be completely pro bono.


As a caseworker, students will initially assist one of Migrants Organise's caseworkers and, depending on competency, will be given more and more responsibilities. The job varies greatly depending on the clients' needs. Migrants Organise prides itself with its commitment to always going the extra mile in helping its clients and students are expected to adopt this ethos. Students are advised to read in full the Job Description below.


How to apply

Please note the dates provided in the pdf job description below refer to the 18 - 19 application window. The correct dates for the 19 - 20 application window are provided on this webpage.

his opportunity is open to all LLB and LLM students at UCL.

The deadline for applications is 6 October 2019 at 23.59pm. Students should send in their CV and a covering letter to Adam Riley, Projects Coordinator at the UCL Centre for Access to Justice (accesstojustice@ucl.ac.uk). Adam Riley and Brian Dikoff, Legal Organiser at Migrants Organise, will be reviewing the applications.

Please also ensure you complete the anonymous Equality and Diversity questionnaire in order to complete your application, available here.

Please ensure you:

1. Use "Migrants Organise Application" in the subject line of the email. 

2. Indicate your availability to volunteer in your Covering Letter

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview on 10 October. If candidates will not be in London on this date, the interview may be conducted via Skype. The successful candidate would then be invited to a trianing day on the following day, namely Saturday 11 October.