amicus logoUniversity College London Branch 0068
Representing Technical, Scientific and Specialist Medical Support Staff at University College London, School of Pharmacy, Institute of Education, Royal Institution of Great Britain

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John Gallinari
Branch Website Officer


Types of Representative
Could you be a Rep?

At the moment, three types of union representative are recognised in law. These are Workplace Representatives (shop stewards), Safety Representatives and Learning Representatives. Within the Higher Education sector, employers are recognising a fourth type - the Job Evaluation Representative.

If you would like to become a Representative, please contact Tamsin Piper (, Branch Secretary, for more information. Members are entitled to take paid leave to attend training courses to enable them to carry out their representational role effectively.

Types of Representative

Department Contacts

At the moment, the Branch does not operate this type of representative, but is looking to do so at UCL. Department Contacts would act as a first point of contact for members seeking advice or help, referring them to the appropriate Workplace, Safety, Learning or Job Evaluation rep for their problem. They would also inform the branch when new members of staff join their Department, to assist us with recruitment.

Workplace Representatives

Workplace Reps provide advice on employment issues, and represent members in disciplinary, grievance, capability, sickness absence and appeals procedures. They are also involved in the recruitment of new members and, occasionally, working on Branch campaigns.

Safety Representatives

Safety Reps take up issues with management on behalf of members, carry out safety inspections, and are involved in statutory Safety Committees.

Learning Representatives

Learning Reps offer guidance and support for members to take up learning and training opportunities.

Job Evaluation Representatives

JE Reps offer guidance on all stages of Job Evaluation - preparation for JE interviews, completing JE forms, etc. Following implementation of the new grading structure they will offer advice on grading appeals and grading review applications.

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Could you be a Rep?

Training Requirements

Department Contacts need minimal training - a lunchtime discussion with an officer to explain procedures and provide advice would be sufficient.

All workplace, safety, learning and JE reps require some degree of training. At the starter level, this would typically involve attending a 1 or 2 week course, although sometimes these can be split over several weeks. You are entitled to paid time off to attend these courses.
Later you may want to attend further training courses on specialist topics. Again, you are entitled to paid time off for these.

Time Commitment

As a rep, you would be expected to assist members and take up issues in your area. The amount of time you devote to this will vary, and no-one would expect you to give up more time than you are willing or able to. Workplace, Learning and JE reps are entitled to reasonable paid time off to carry out their duties. Safety reps are entitled to whatever paid time off is required to perform their duties as a Safety Rep.

Support for New Reps

The Branch has a lot of experienced reps who new reps can go to for advice or assistance. New reps would be allowed to shadow more experienced ones before being asked to "fly solo".

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