
UCL Public Policy



UCL Public Policy is available to support all academics to engage with policy professionals. We provide advice and guidance, personal development experiences, events and online resources.

What we do for researchers

UCL Public Policy can help researchers from across UCL to engage with policymakers. We work with academics of all disciplines and at all levels, from PhD students to professors. 

Our support includes:

  • Funding – a small grants scheme and funded policy placements
  • Opportunities to participate in policy-focused activities – policy roundtables, public policy events and the development of research summaries for policymakers
  • Advice, guidance, and training – online resources and advice sessions to help you enhance the policy impact of your research
  • Support for researcher-led policy engagement – including funding applications and Select Committee inquiries.

What we do for policymakers

Our non-partisan, independent policy brokers are here to connect policy professionals with UCL's knowledge, insight and expertise. From urgent questions and calls for evidence, to longer-term partnerships, we're here to support the development of evidence-informed policy, and foster engagement with research across the policy landscape.

Our team:

  • Connects policymakers with relevant experts in the field
  • Convenes roundtables to bring together researchers and policymakers, to discuss topical issues, facilitate dialogues and initiate collaborations 
  • Creates accessible high-level research summaries and evidence notes for policymakers, based on robust research
  • Coordinates training and development opportunities in Public Policy, from professional development courses up to PhD level.

Get in touch to find out more

Funding Opportunities

Money jar full of coins

UCL Public Policy offers a small grants scheme and funded policy placements

Development Opportunities

Man writing on a pad of paper

Participate in policy-focused activities – policy roundtables, public policy events and the development of research summaries for policymakers


people in a meeting

Advice, guidance, and training – online resources and advice sessions to help you enhance the policy impact of your research

Evidence Notes

UCL Portico

Learn from our evidence notes for policymakers on topical public policy issues.

Case studies

Research Impact

Read examples of how UCL researchers have found themselves at the forefront of real public policy developments.

International Policy Engagement

City Leadership Lab teaser

Support for academics’ aspirations in international policy engagement.