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The newsletter of UCL Library Services - Issue 17: Autumn term, 2007
Inside this issue

Editorial board members:

Elizabeth Chapman, Chris Carrington, Margaret Flett, Deborah Furness, Elizabeth Lawes, Grazia Manzotti, Dayaram Nakrani & Ann Simpson.
:: Contact the editorial board

* Top Tips! *
UCL Library Services welcomes new students and staff
The Carswell Drawings Revived

The first depictions of iron deficiency anaemia A unique set of exquisitely executed illustrations of pathological diseases dating from the early nineteenth century has been painstakingly restored after several years of physical deterioration and is once again available for teaching and research.

With generous financial support from the Wellcome Trust, over 1000 watercolours and pen and ink drawings created by Robert Carswell, the first Professor of Pathological Anatomy at UCL, have been cleaned, de-acidified, repaired and re-housed in archival quality storage.

This groundbreaking collection contains many items of historical and artistic significance, notably the first illustrations of the pathology in Hodgkin's disease, the first portrayal of the lesions on the spinal cord in multiple sclerosis and the first depictions of iron deficiency anaemia.

The drawings were created from detailed observation from live as well as recently deceased subjects, before the use of the microscope was widespread and the practice of supplying bodies for dissection was legislated for by the Anatomy Act of 1832.

The accuracy of the detail is such that the drawings are still just as relevant today, and from the historical perspective they throw fascinating light on the teaching of medicine at a time when anatomy was just beginning to flourish as a new scientific discipline and becoming an essential part of medical training.

The set is arranged in 17 sections, ranging in size, and illustrating human organs and individual body parts such as the face or the limbs.

The largest section of 146 drawings covers the lungs, pleura and bronchi. Many have a description of the pathology and some the clinical history, written in Carswell's own hand, later copied and bound into volumes. The conservation treatment has radically improved storage and made access to the collection once again possible.

More images from the Carswell collection are available at
- www.ucl.ac.uk/library/special-collections
See our current Main Library exhibition which features some of the Carswell Drawings.
by Gill Furlong
Start your search with MetaLib

Image: MetaLib screenshot If you are looking for information on a topic for your assignment or research, try starting with MetaLib, our e-library gateway. At metalib.ucl.ac.uk, there's a simple three-step process to finding high-quality information, much of which is available in full online. Simply log in with your UCL username and password then:

  1. Pick your subject from the list on the left of the MetaLib screen.
  2. Select the resources you want to search (up to 10).
  3. Enter your search terms in the box and click GO!

You'll get a list of results to browse through, and you can use the SFX button sfx button to find out how to get hold of the article or book. If it's available online, you can click straight through to it. MetaLib lets you search several resources at once, but if you want to use the resources individually, you can link out to the homepage of any of the resources. This part of MetaLib is also available through our A-Z list of resources at www.ucl.ac.uk/library/electronic-resources/databases.

For full information see the user guide on the MetaLib homepage, pick up a leaflet at one of our sites, or ask your Subject Librarian.
by Margaret Flett
The service you never see

Wickford stores Did you know that more than half of UCL Library Services' paper stock is kept at a remote store, some 40 miles out of London? If you request a book, journal or thesis from store, it will be delivered from UCL Wickford Site for collection within 24 hours.

Envisaged as a resource to solve ongoing open-shelf space problems and to rationalise the numerous store collections scattered around UCL, it has also allowed for storage whilst parts of the Library are refurbished. The space is shared with the UCL Records Office. Initially, half the warehouse was shelved up providing the Library with some 22km of shelving.

Transfers made over the first five years completely filled this part of the Store. Plans were made with UCL Estates & Facilities to fit out the second half of the building, and 38km of state of the art electrically operated double-decker mobile shelving was installed during 2006.

Future plans include deduplication of materials across UCL Libraries and beyond, and also the scanning of material direct to the desktop once copyright developments permit this.

Also of interest may be the first Library Services Newsletter, published in 1999 which contained an article about the then new remote store.
Further details on Stores can be accessed at: - www.ucl.ac.uk/library/stores
by Andrew Dawson
Don't think twice - use WISE!

Image: owl The Library's new WISE (WebCT Information Skills Environment) module for Engineering and the Built Environment was launched on 10 September 2007.

It is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to finding and using information effectively, and covers engineering, architecture and construction, planning and management.

Previous users of WISE will find that this module has been given a new look, too! (Don't despair, Moodle users - we plan to migrate WISE to Moodle in the future.)

Whether you're a new student or an experienced researcher, WISE for Engineering and the Built Environment will help you to discover the most valuable information for your topic, and to make the best use of it.

Go to www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/services/learning-teaching/elearning-staff, log in, click on WISE, and select Engineering and the Built Environment.

For more information contact:
- lib-sciteam@ucl.ac.uk
by Angela Jefkins and Catherine Sharp
Staff Profile: Gavin Beattie, Academic Support

Image: Gavin Beattie, Academic Support I joined UCL in May 2007. Previously I've worked in other university libraries, and I've also been a film archivist, sold concert tickets, swept warehouses and processed parking fines. Initially I trained as an electronic engineer before deciding that my talents were better suited to libraries and information. It's been fascinating settling in at UCL and seeing how such a large, varied institution works and builds on its reputation. Library Services is a key part of this and is central to the success of our students and staff.

I am one of a team of Academic Support Managers in Library Services. Each of us has responsibility for one or more of UCL's faculties. For me this means that I work with Subject Librarians to ensure that we meet the information needs of the departments in the Faculties of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Engineering Sciences and the Built Environment. In common with the other subject teams we manage the print and electronic collections (working with Library colleagues), offer support and training to staff and students and ensure good communications with the academic departments.

Each Subject Librarian is available to offer support to any student or member of staff who needs help using Library resources and finding information. We can help you to use the catalogue to find course textbooks, develop search strategies for our many databases or point out some of the best websites for your subject. We'd also be pleased to receive any suggestions for new books and other resources. You may meet your Subject Librarian at induction or in a training session. You can also ask at one of our Enquiry Desks or contact the Subject Librarian for your department through the Library Services website.

Library Buildings Survey 2007 - Results summary

We had an excellent response to this year's survey on Library buildings, which was completed by 2,940 people. The survey covered the eleven libraries used by UCL students and staff.

Image: Paul Ayris
 awards an iPod to the draw winner
Paul Ayris, Director of Library Services presenting John Giblin, a UCL Research Postgraduate at Institute of Archaeology with an iPod nano.

Demographic data
Response from library sites
44% - From Science Library
27% - From Main Library
29% - Other sites

Library usage
50% - Undergraduates
18% - Postgraduate: Taught
14% - Postgraduate: Research
18% - Staff library usage

24% - Library used daily
49% - Library used weekly

83% - Borrowing and returning books
56% - Study

70% - Library easy to use

Satisfaction with provision of computers (100% is very satisfied)
54% - Catalogue only terminals
40% - Computers available for use
29% - Facilities to plug in laptops

Satisfaction with buildings(100% is very satisfied)
Respondents were asked to rate their satisfaction with the space available:
66% - Space for bookshelves
63% - Space to access bookshelves
63% - Space for reader seats
52% - Spaces for quiet study
44% - Distribution of the collections over several libraries
44% - Number, of large open reading areas
42% - Space for computers
24% - Number of small intimate reading rooms
19% - Number of areas for group work

Satisfaction with the library environment (100% is very satisfied)
87% - Feeling safe in the library
62% - Temperature in the library
62% - Lighting in the library
58% - Signage in the library
57% - Ventilation in the library

Satisfaction with library furnishings (100% is very satisfied)
70% - Seating at tables
60% - Seating at private study spaces
45% - Informal seating

Top priorities for the future:
- Quiet zones for silent work.
- Small, intimate reading rooms
- More space for reader seats
- Space to organise collections more logically
Language help

Library Services has set up a language help web page for all UCL students whose first language is not English: www.ucl.ac.uk/library/language-skills The aim of this web page is to help people who are new to UCL or who are unfamiliar with the services and resources we have to offer.

More than 50 members of UCL Library Services staff with language skills have volunteered to help and 34 languages are currently covered.

If you need help in one of the languages you can email one of the people listed on the page.

by Grazia Manzotti
Beyond UCL
Image: British Library portico
British Library
Copyright © The British Library, All Rights Reserved

UCL Library Services endeavours to provide all materials on reading lists for all staff and degree students. However, there may be times when you cannot get hold of what you need. To help you, UCL has agreements with various libraries across London and throughout the UK which allow you to use their facilities as well. Some of these arrangements include:

The British Library
We are fortunate to be close to the British Library at St. Pancras where you are able to obtain a reference access ticket. For further details see www.bl.uk/services/reading/admissions.html

Image: Senate House Library
Senate House Library, Malet Street

Senate House Library
UCL staff and degree students are able to borrow material from Senate House Library which is part of the larger University of London Research Library Services. For further details see www.shl.london.ac.uk/library/membership.shtml

Libraries of other University of London institutions (e.g. SOAS, King's, Birkbeck)
As members of the University of London, UCL degree level students and staff are able to make use of the libraries of the other University of London colleges. Registration requirements vary from college to college, so check local conditions before travelling. For a list of other libraries, including links to their catalogues and further details pages, please go to: - www.ucl.ac.uk/library/other-libraries

SCONUL Access Band 'A'
(For Ph.D/M.Phil students and staff only)
This nationwide scheme, formerly known as SCONUL Research Extra (SRX), allows PhD / MPhil students and staff from member institutions to use each other's libraries. The scheme operates through SCONUL Access Cards, used alongside your valid UCL ID. To obtain one of these cards, please visit your local UCL Library Services Issue Desk or Enquiry Desk to register. You must have your SCONUL Access Card as well as your UCL ID before travelling to an external library. For further general advice on using the scheme, please go to: www.access.sconul.ac.uk

In general, you are strongly advised to contact the library you wish to visit before travelling to discuss any special registration requirements the institution might have. Arrangements do vary from institution to institution, and some arrangements are only available to certain categories of person. For further details contact: lib-membership@ucl.ac.uk

For a catalogue covering many University Libraries across the UK and Ireland, but particularly institutions such as the British Library and other Lond on based research libraries go to: - www.copac.ac.uk
Prove who you are?
- Proof of ID: Passport, bank card, credit card or driving licence
- Proof of address: UCL stamped and signed Hall of Residence Certificate or a recent utility bill.
by Matthew Reynolds

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Issue 17 - Autumn term, 2007

UCL Main Library entrance
UCL Main Library entrance, Wilkins Building, Gower Street. Opened 2005
UCL Science Library
UCL Science Library, DMS Watson Building, Malet Place. Ground floor study area
Location of UCL School of Slavonic & East European Studies Library (SSEES), Taviton Street. Opened 2005
University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT Tel: +44 (0) 20 7679 2000

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