



UCL uses two typefaces: Neue Helvetica and Garamond. For digital usage, Neue Helvetica is reserved for use on headlines, and Arial is used for all other uses. Garamond is strictly reserved for special cases with a fall-back to Georgia.

Primary typeface

Helvetica Neue

Liquorice toffee faworki


Chocolate cake halvah

Biscuit macaroon lemon drops

Muffin chocolate cake halvah dessert biscuit. Pasty sweet tart tart. Jujubes danish liquorice. Pastry liquorice sweet roll candy canes tart tart application. Danish carrot cake bear claw. Jello cotton candy gingerbread chocolate cake lollipop lemon drops sweet donut icing. Jelly beans icing.

Muffin chocolate cake halvah dessert biscuit. Pasty sweet tart tart. Jujubes danish liquorice. Pastry liquorice sweet roll candy canes tart tart application. Danish carrot cake bear claw. Jello cotton candy gingerbread chocolate cake lollipop lemon drops sweet donut icing. Jelly beans icing.


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 , . < > ? ! £ @ & ( )

Typography (above) uses the Title style (h1) - each page should have a title.

This is a Heading (h2)

Title and headings are important. 

They help you scan information but they also help blind and visually impaired people find their way when they use JAWS, a text-to-speech software.

This is a sub (h3)

It makes sense to use the heading styles in the correct order: the order in which they appear in the dropdown when you are editing. Blind people will expect the headings to appear in order, so don't use first a H2 and then a H1!

This is subsub (h4)

Be consistent with your heading styles. Have an agreed style for your website and provide all Editors with this information.


The lead style is used for introductory text.

Unordered list

  • First item
  • Second item
  • Third item

Ordered list

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

Definition list

First Item
Sub Item
Second Item
Sub Item
Third Item
Sub Item



Please note for users who do not have Helvetica Neue, Arial will be used instead.