
Speaking Turkish

Alphabet | Vowel Harmony | Borrowed words | Saying Hello

Vowel Harmony

When you are adding a suffix to a word, the suffix has to harmonise with the word you are adding it to.

There are two types of suffixes:

  • E TYPE (The suffix contains a or e)
  • I TYPE (The suffix contains ı,i,u or ü).

There are two type of vowels:

Front vowels Back vowels






If the last vowel in the base is: E TYPE  I TYPE
      (You choose the suffix containing)
a or I A I
e or i E İ
o or u A U
ö or ü E Ü

There are many suffixes in Turkish. One is added to make a word plural


PLURALS: To make a noun plural you add either -lar or -ler in Turkish

How will you decide which one you are going to add?

A word: adam=man

You want to say: men

Do you add -lar or -ler to adam?

The last vowel in the base is: a , this is a e type suffix, so you choose a= adamlar

Do you want to test yourself?

Test your knowledge: Turkish Plurals Exercise