
Speaking Turkish

Alphabet | Vowel Harmony | Borrowed words | Saying Hello

Some greetings and basic daily phrases

Turkish Meaning in English Sound
Merhaba Hi, hello click to hear sound
Günaydın Good Morning click to hear sound
İyi günler Good day!
(all purpose greeting)
click to hear sound
İyi akşamlar Good evening click to hear sound
Hoşça kal Goodbye click to hear sound
Allahaısmarladık Goodbye (said by the person who is leaving) click to hear sound
Güle güle Goodbye (said by the person who stays behind) click to hear sound
Nasılsınız? How are you? click to hear sound
Selam ! Hi! click to hear sound
Hoşgeldin (Hoşgeldiniz) Welcome click to hear sound
Teşekkür ederim Thank you click to hear sound
Sağol Thanks (informal) click to hear sound
Görüşürüz See you! click to hear sound
Evet Yes click to hear sound
Hayır No click to hear sound
Lütfen Please click to hear sound
Tamam Ok click to hear sound


Hi! Can you match the sound on the right with the correct Turkish expression on the left.

Test your knowledge: Turkish Greetings Exercise