
First Impressions

William Ellis School Summer School trip to China, 2005

First impressions of China - pictures and diary

China pictures and diary contents | Read introduction | Fuller account of school trip to China

5. Communicating

Masters of calligraphy; great concentration was needed to run off Chinese characters with a few brush strokes
Masters of calligraphy; great concentration
was needed to run off Chinese characters
with a few brush strokes!

  • It was really funny when our English-speaking guide mixed up the words for ‘concubine’ and ‘cucumber’.

  • Common sense sign language will get you far, but fluent Chinese will lower prices.

Shop signs, often brightly neon lit, proved to be of little assistance!
Shop signs, often brightly neon lit,
proved to be of little assistance!

  • Communication is the main barrier in relating to the people of China. However, at times, it can be overcome through simple universal communication i.e. body language. A lack of verbal communication gives a different experience in China, but not less of an experience, although I believe that being able to communicate verbally in a foreign country gives a better experience because it allows you to relate more to people who come from different walks of life.  
  • It’s always nice to have a one sided conversation with a taxi driver where all you have to do is nod and smile.

  • Chinese people are really nice and it’s not very hard to communicate and body language is universal, but you do pick up certain words as you go shopping and things.

  • Why is it one always forgets the translation for ‘I’m just looking?’ sales techniques are often aggressive, and the best communication is that with which to ward away the charming yet intimidating offers!
  • Why do the guides always actually have to say ‘how do you say ?’ while they are thinking of the correct words and put ‘yes ?’ at the end of everything they say?

  • I’ll never get the hang of the calligraphy but it is possible to learn some mandarin and use it to go shopping

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