
Teaching & Learning


UCL Access and Success Guide

The guide has been created to help academic and departmental colleagues support prospective applicants and students from underrepresented/widening participation backgrounds.

Access and Success Guide Front Cover

About the Guide

The Access and Success guide includes spotlights on the different target student profiles and explains the barriers they face within higher education. It also includes advice and resources so academic staff have the information they need to help support students within their department. 

The guide covers the following topics and student groups: 

  • The Access UCL Contextual Offer Scheme 
  • Barriers to Higher Education and the Support Available 
  • The Access UCL Cohort 
  • Care experienced and estranged students 
  • Disabled students 
  • Mature students 
  • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicity students 
  • Young carers 
  • Forced migrants 
  • The roles of Access and Widening Participation, and the Student Success Office, at UCL 

The guide is designed to be a useful tool that staff can refer to when advising and supporting students. ‘Widening Participation’ covers a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences, and there is no ‘typical widening participation student’. Hopefully, this guide provides some context for the individual challenges certain student groups face and how we can work with them to better enable their success at UCL. 

Get Involved 

If you’ve downloaded the guide and have any further questions, or would like to work with us, you can contact us via the following avenues: 

Access and Widening Participation

If you’re interested in working with the Access and Widening Participation Office (AWPO) at UCL, to support prospective students, please see the AWPO Contact us webpage. 

You can join the WP and Student Success Community of Practice, by searching for ‘COP-Widening Participation’ on Microsoft Teams. 

Student Success Office

If you’re interested in working with the Student Success Office, to support current undergraduate students, please email smss.studentsuccess@ucl.ac.uk

The Student Success Office will also be hosting virtual Student Success Information Sessions throughout the academic year. These will be an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about supporting your students. Please check back here for upcoming times and dates or contact smss.studentsuccess@ucl.ac.uk.