Quality Assurance (mostly) in Library & Information Services

Active as I am in quality assurance for LIS, having been responsible for managing the first library & information service in the country to achieve independent ISO9001 accreditation (Taywood Information Service), I felt I should help in making some resources more readily available. In due course, I hope there will be a number of active links, definitions and other goodies here, but for the time being you'll have to be satisfied with a fairly limited selection:

I own a (rather quiet) list on quality in libraries, Lis-qual. You can check out its purpose, membership, and scan or search its archives of past discussion. Once I work out how to do it, you'll even be able to sign up for it from here! Meanwhile, if you want to know how to join...

Or take a copy of some papers kindly donated by David Kerridge on the Deming philosophy of management:

  1. The Raw Fish theory of quality
  2. Transformation not tampering
  3. Manage for learning and innovation
  4. What do customers want?
  5. Two types of SPC
Of course if you know of any good sources I should include here - please let me know...
I also have a simple list of web-based quality resources which you can look at. It's not just quality in LIS, but there are quite a few good general quality sources in it. If I ever find the time, I'll tart it up and amalgamate it with this page... Oooh, was that a pig up there? :-)

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Email: andrew.dawson@ucl.ac.uk
Voice: 0171-380-7204
Fax: 0171-383-0557
Post: SLAIS, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT (UK).