Zaikinlab on Systems Medicine: Description of the Research Directions


You are welcome to the webpage of Systems Medicine Group! Here we describe the details of our research, for the general approach go to " Intro".

In our Systems approach to Medicine we bring together Analysis of Medical Data, Modelling biological experiments and Mathematics. From mathematical point of view we have two research directions: modelling complex biological processes, e.g. gene expression or complex molecular machines, and development of new statistical methods to analyse medical data. Our strategic aim is to bring together modelling and data analysis in order to improve public health and suggest new ideas for biotechnology and synthetic biology. To do this we collaborate both with wet biologists and with clinicians. The collaboration structure is displayed here, and you can click on names (under construction) to go to the webpages of our collaborators:

Collaboration Spectrum of the Zaikin Lab


More specifically, at the moment we focus on three research projects:

We are still interested in our previous research projects:

We provide methodological support for medical groups in Institute for Women's Health and develop new statistical methods, especially in:



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