Earth Moon Earth | Katie Paterson

E.M.E on Katie Paterson’s website

E.M.E (Earth-Moon-Earth) is a form of radio transmission whereby messages are sent in Morse code from earth, reflected from the surface of the moon, and then received back on earth. The moon reflects only part of the information back – some is absorbed in its shadows, ‘lost’ in its craters.

For this work, Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata has been translated into Morse code and sent to the moon via E.M.E. Returning to earth ‘fragmented’ by the moon’s surface, it has been re-translated into a new score, the gaps and absences becoming intervals and rests. In the exhibition space the new ‘moon–altered’ score plays on a Disklavier grand piano.

6th–13th June 2007, Slade School of Fine Art

2 April – 1 June 2008, Modern Art Oxford, Encounters Katie Paterson

For more information on this and other words see Katie’s website.

, Wednesday, 6 June 2007

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